FOMO a.k.a Fury Of Missing Out

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A/n: Hi!!!

Hope you're having a nice day and enjoy this funny little chapter!

Remember to look after yourself, eat something nourishing and drink plenty of water.

That's all, bye!

So, a good while after the eventful day out with Mrs. Stinkbottom in the Forbidden Cities, in which I met both Aster and Scarlett, and gained two of my closest friends, I was told something. 

Something that made me really, really furious. Like, light everyone's hair on fire, crush everyone's dreams, possibly kill a few people furious (by the way, I have anger issues!). 

It was because I found out that two of my closest friends trashed Mei and Quan Song's house, and THEY DIDN'T INVITE ME! I WOULD HAVE LIT THE WHOLE PLACE ON FIRE!!! 

Anyways, they got a very long lecture about how if they left me out of anything fun ever again, I would let Ro go to town with her amoeba.

 And, when Scarlett told me, "I was having too much fun to think!" I threw a pillow at her face. I apologised, multiple times, I just caught up in the moment. Anyways, I think they got the message.

 Anyways, that's how I broke off the nose of my father's ridiculously narcissistic statue in his ridiculously narcissistic shrine room. He blamed it on Keefe, and surprisingly, Keefe took the blame. I think he wanted the credit, and I just let him take it. 

So yeah, that's how that happened, and don't tell Lord Snootypants about it, or Ro will have another test subject for her bacteria if you know what I mean. *glares*

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