Meeting Romhilda

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A/n: On the day this is being released, it's Christmas, so Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it), or Happy Hanukkah! Have a lovely holiday and look after yourselves!

A little over a year after I met Sophie, her and Keefe went off to the ogre capital to give a letter from me and Keefe's absolutely wacko mother to King Dimitar. No, I do not call him any names because I do not want to cause any multi-species incidents, unlike one very accident-prone, brown eyed idiot.

 No, I'm definitely not suggesting anything. Definitely not. Please don't tell Keefe I said that. 

Anyways, he came back with an ogre princess. I was obviously quite shocked, and when I found out she was his bodyguard, I hit the roof. There was a lot of shouting, and throwing Keefe's stuff around, and a few slaps when I heard he sparred with King Dimitar! 

Like what the absolute butterblast brother! I knew you were stupid but I didn't know you were THAT stupid! Okay, calm down and stop thinking about Foster's expression from when you slapped her for taking my brother to the capital in the first place. 

Okay, back to what I was saying. I think the first words Ro said in my presence were, "This is your sister? Wow. I already like her." I turned towards her with what I think was quite a manic expression on my face and she immediately pulled out a dagger and pointed it at me. 

My first words to her (they were actually to myself but the first words I said in her presence) were, "Wow, I can't believe I just intimidated an ogre. Maybe I am scarier than I thought."

We both stared at each other before starting to introduce ourselves and talk about our battle tactics and all the things we did for fun. She actually introduced me to my new coping mechanism, throwing a dagger at a picture of Sophie. 

She has helped me through many situations when I nearly snapped and started murdering everyone around me (I have anger issues, if you couldn't tell already), and I helped her by keeping all of her amoeba and bacteria stocks in my room. She labelled them all in ogre, but I mesmered Sophie into writing a list with all the translations in the Enlightened Language so I could read it.

 I think she knows that I know what they are, as I swapped around the positioning of some of them so they live in a more hospitable place, but she hasn't told me off about it, so I think she trusts me (not the smartest idea, but I'm honoured nonetheless).

  Anyways, we have taught each other a lot, me teaching her about my and other elves abilities (she promised not to tell her father where her information was sourced from so I wouldn't get in trouble) and her teaching me about weapons, battle tactics (again, I made the same promise do she wouldn't get in trouble) and bacteria. I now know all of the amoeba that I'm looking after, their properties and their prank uses (that one I taught myself). 

Me and her are actually really similar, and even though I'm not her charge, she always looks out for my safety in situations as well as my brother's. He's a bit concerned about how close we are, so he makes sure to never anger me in Ro's presence.

 Anyways, that's how I made a best friend from a different species!

 And, I searched up the meaning of her name. It means "Glorious battle maiden". When I told her, she said only I could call her that, and if anyone else referred to her as that, I could put some of her bacteria in their lunch. It only happened once if you know what I mean. *winks*

Kyra SencenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ