Time is a funny thing.

146 11 13

[This is canon to Repeated Reincarnation...mostly :) <3]

He was tired. Even for a little kid like him. He felt like he was gonna pass out any second now.

Funny. That he calls himself a 'kid'. He wasn't a kid. Mentally and physiologically at least. But he'll humor someone if needs be.

Oh. Who was he? TK!Sans, or Time kid!Sans from Quantumtale if you want to be more specific..

Or at least he was him currently. He was a reincarnation. Of multiple lives in fact. But you probably already knew if you were a regular.

And his talking like his in a bar. The drinks there are shit.

Anyways. No time on talking to literal air, he'd get weird looks if he was actually outside right now. Which he wasn't but it was his business to be weird.

Now what's he going to do? He was bored, and tired. Mostly tired as hell, but his gonna ignore that.

Maybe he should go to Error..he still haven't properly met him, only on occasions and even those didn't last long.

And mainly cus this was a FGoD Multiverse...a interesting, and sad Multiverse in his opinion.

Well, more sad and honest to gods he would wrap Error and the gang in blankets. Including anyone that sides with the gang.

Okay, perhaps he should tone that down..or not. Oh well.

Now. Where is the gang's base? Maybe he should follow Swap when he comes over...


Okay, the plan went successfully well. Another thing, he will deny that he was hiding somewhere, lying down on his nonexistent stomach and kicking his legs up like a high schooler.

He will deny it for all eternity and you'd never convince him otherwise.

Oh look. His being dramatic again, yay.

See the sarcasm? That's his entire personality at this point of time. Maybe he should be more sarcastic. It'd be fun.

Oh? They're finally acknowledging the fact they feel like they are being watched? Is it time for action? It was getting quite boring, and he would've went somewhere else and put this 'meeting' on hold. Guess not.

Oh how delightful. His trapped in strings. And a tentacle...did they have to take care of this with extra measures?

He could just short cut out of this..but it'd be no fun for him, and he wanted to see some drama...maybe, possibly. Oh well.

Just act like an actual kid, you've done this multiple times anyways. Your gonna be fine, everything's totally fine. Nothing will happen..much.

Maybe his having doubts, or not...he definitely has doubts this will go smoothly. He did just came here uninvited..and he did just follow Swap like a weirdo-

Huh. His spacing out. Like usual, apparently.

...why was the topic about adoption? His feeling weird things and he knows what they are but he wants to deny it.

And now they've adopted him?? What kind of damn magical witchcraft is this? They don't even know him???

..oh, they looked at his stats...and code..rude honestly.

Wait- did that mean they knew he was a Reincarnation? ...they didn't seem to react all that badly...so maybe not..he really hopes so, because he doesn't want any smothering.

They keep looking at him...he doesn't know if it's to make sure he was still there or they were concerned as heck. Probably both. Most likely both.

He was a kid, right now at least, and he did space out..like for a long while- and for his stats...oh boy he didn't know what it showed but definitely not great.

Now if only he could just...remove or hide some stuff in there that he doesn't want others to know..too bad then.

Hey, he can use this to his advantage...maybe he should demand nice cream. He liked them, they tasted really good when he first tried them in his first cycle...

He'll put that away for some other time then.


Okay. He likes it here now, maybe he should stay here for all eternity, if he could.

His time hasn't ended yet, and his like..fifty percent sure that his time is still far, far away currently. Geez, he really liked it if it were true.

Time could be your friend, and your worse enemy. It depends on how much luck you had.

He had such bad luck, especially when he died and got reincarnated. Again and again and again and-

Well. He shouldn't repeat it. You already got the idea on it. It's quite useless to say it over and over again when you know what it is about already.

Now his thinking if he should get a diagnosis check, he probably got the symptoms of some mental illnesses if anything.

But he ain't no doctor, currently, and he sure as heck did not want to talk to people right about now. Other than the gang, he liked them better.

His kinda wondering how his friends in his AU is reacting to his supposed 'disappearance'. He would be glad if they weren't panicking earlier before this whole adopted thing...

He will ignore that for now..I mean, his been given a teddy bear currently. Said it used to be Swap's brother's teddy before he grew out of it...aw, cute.

Wait- from Swap's brother? ..huh, maybe Swap is the oldest brother in this Multiverse. He wasn't actually sure, he didn't really ask about it and he mostly avoided everyone in spite of everything that happened to him.

The teddy bear was nice though...it reminded him of his stuffed toys in his human life when he was younger. It's making him miss it.

But that's in the far past. Very, very far past from now. Besides, he does have some memories he'd rather forget..like a lot actually.

Anyways...oh, Swap's leaving? Bummer. Would've liked it if he stayed here for a few more moments...maybe even days if he felt like it..

Oh well then. Oh hey! Free food, wonder what their cooking tastes like. Most probably good, with Horror there.

He liked how Horror is an amazing cook, must be because he doesn't want other people to starve like in his AU...

Oh crap. Okay now that was sad, for him at least, very sad. Jesus christ, why does he have to do this for himself? He really should not let his thoughts wander for far too long.

Well then. His gonna try to ignore those thoughts for now. Being sad was not something nice for him.

Ironic, since his sad and depressive all the time. But people don't get it. They never do when people do have depression.

Welp. No time on thinking of stupid things. It's time for lunch...

And after that, he'll take a nap. He was still tired. Maybe it was 'cause of the fact he was literally the one that deals with time. Y'know, so time doesn't get all messed up in AU's? Yeah, like that.

Okay he should really stop acting like his actually talking to someone.

So many things to do. So little time.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя