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It was dark and stormy night in Gotham city. Rain droplets hit the bare skin on a grieving hero's face as he knelt down in front of his mentor's grave on the property of Wayne Manor. Dick Grayson gripped the soggy mud soil from the fresh grave that had just been covered. His tears mixing with the rain that poured down his face and head. Blood still staining his hads from the warzone where everything had happened. He bit his lip to prevent himself from screaming so instead he did it internally as Barbara knelt down beside him.

"Dick, come on, we gotta get out of here. Alfred is about to go over Bruce's will..." she placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him into a hug. He had been the oldest member of the Bat Family after Alfred. He was the original robin before taking on the persona of Nightwing and honestly? He hated hearing the words escape from Barbara's lips seemingly everso effortlessly, "My knees...can you help me up?" he asked Barbara before she helped Dick rise up to his feet.

"So where is J at anyway?" he asked as they went into the manor with Barbara and immediately went upstairs to wash up.

"He's speaking with Alfred right now, Bruce left him with a final task and he wants to see you in the conservatory next to go over the will and Bruce's final wishes for you,"

"I'll be down in a few minutes," he nodded and then went upstairs.

Dinah lance looked at James Harper the look of sympathy staining her facial features and disturbing her natural beauty. Her heart went out to James for him and his loss. Not only had he lost his actually father after not knowing him for so many years and finally finding reconciliation with Roy and then he loses his adopted father in Bruce. Bruce was always a complicated man and while he didn't know how to show it he did love his family.

James looked in the mirror at the suit he wore and he'd hoped it would've been a long time since he'd need to wear it again. He tried adopt his usual swagger and natural confidence but at this moment he couldn't find it for he was anything but confident. He was very uncertain  if he was honest with himself. That boiled into anger as he looked at the notorious black canary's reflection in the mirror behind him.

"Do not look at me like that. I don't want your pity." His voice came out cold and emotionless but it must've been heartbreaking to hear from Dinah's perspective she took on a den mother figure for James and the two were very close. James continued to stare distantly at the mirror quiet anger rising up and he punched the mirror.

Then suddenly, Dinah lurched forward and embrace him as James broke into a uncontrollable sob. "I should've been there Dinah. I could've done something...I could've done something." James found himself repeating being lost in his tears and his pain.

James looked towards Dinah who squeezed his shoulder in silent support offering a weak smile. He clenched his fists one of them now bandaged with gauze thanks to Alfred's aid. He looked over to Jason "After this, lets look over the files of this team composition. We need to talk privately." He didn't need to discuss this any further as Jason nodded simply in return as it was likely they were on the same page.

Alfred was going over each individuals portion of Bruce's will speaking with them one on one.

"Jason, Bruce had plans to form a team outside of the justice league to take care of matters in Gotham for when he retired but in considering the circustances and with so many members of the league gone. There is even more of a need for these would be heroes," Alfred started explaining before grabbing Each of them would be given a portion of his estate.

"He never stopped seeing the growing potential within you and that's why he thought you would be the perfect choice to handle this task," he said handing over a handful of files.

The Rebels  | Vol 1 | New DawnWhere stories live. Discover now