Outrunning Karma

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One month later.

Harper and me soon got along well. The abuse from dad continued and got to a point where I was bleeding a little everyday. I don't think that's good. 

Not to mention, people at school think I'm gay so they are beating me up.

I mean they aren't wrong. But I do hate to admit it.

My birthday is rolling around the corner. Every year I decide not to celebrate it. I've never celebrated it. I choose not to and dad has no problem with it. Instead, he says "Happy valentines day!" And give me something... adults like. Because he's a pedophile.

But what more to add to the trauma that even more huh? Next week I've got a boxing tournament against my old school .

Kill me now.

You know what's weird? That flock of jocks from a while back don't hurt me as bad, but they still do. I think I might join in the Romeo and Juliet play this year. I've also got to pull together my art project.

Fun stuff. ❤ 

Winter days were turning into rainy weather. I'd love to literally go find a hot tub right now and jump in. I started to also accept I might never see Ace again. 

But here I am, in Harper's jeep driving down the neighborhood at top speed after I had just escaped from my fathers house. 

Harper had invited me to a party with him and some other friends. I technically didn't have a choice and he also bribed me to go.

I had already thrown on a plain t-shirt and some sweatpants because honestly, a party isn't one of my big concerns right now. I could care less about what I looked like. 

Harper had on a striped black and white turtleneck, leather jacket, boots, and baggy jeans. His red hair stuck out between all of it. Ginger fibers brushed against his neck. 

I slowly found myself drifting to sleep. Soon enough, he honked the horn and I shot out of my seat. In return, laughing. 

"Then don't fall asleep!" Harper said, unbuckling his seat belt. It made a click sound. "We are here"

I peered out at the two story mansion. His friends are rich. I went for the door handle.

Before I made it, Harper grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I flinched in response. 

"I thought I told you not to touch me, Harper." My hands back away. His pouty lips came into view.

"I just need you to listen for a moment. These people are insane drug addicts. They use alcohol and pipes. I need you to stay close."

His hazel eyes were glossy. I smiled and rolled my eyes 

"Harper I'll be fine. Besides they can't do anything that I haven't been through."my hands went to the handle again and we both hopped out. I followed closely behind the towering figure.

The second I walked in it smelled like weed. I knew this probably isn't the environment I wanna be in. Walking through the crowd, I stayed really close to Harper, careful not to take a wrong step. 

After a few minutes Harper sat down in a decently good couch. He patted the seat next to him, and I followed. He seemed relaxed. 

I think I found my new best friend. 

A bold statement for me to say so early, but honestly he's kind of cool.

The environment around me was weird. It was full of a sweet, yet foul smell of weed. I'd only smelled weed a few times in my life, only to know what it smelled like slightly. There was a mist in the air. A white fog. Maybe smoke of some sorts. Half of the people here were either past out, on their way to being that way, just newly drugged up, or just got here.

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