Eleven and Angela

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                                                         Above is Hannah Merchingson in real life

Fast Forward to Saturday night. That headache was killing me. River dragged me to go skating with her. I think I planned something with Ace but I can't remember. 

I swished on some T-shirt and jeans, slipped on some sneakers and followed River out the door. She wore heels and I swear she was about to fall over. This woman dressed up for anything. 

My sister's heel smashing the concrete didn't help my mind calm. I would love for this to be over. But I pulled through and just went with the trip.

Rain was my favorite thing. I felt sprinkles hit on the tip of my head and my shoulders as we got out of the car. My boots hit the ground with immense pounding when I walked. The stones I stepped on made crackling sounds like the Snap, Crackle, POP!

I stood behind River when she stopped at the door. She didn't move. Soon she turned her head towards me, looking me in the eyes.

"A princess can't open a door!" She exclaimed. I was about to punch her. I circled around the woman and reached for the door handle to the Roller Rink.

"A man doesn't give two fucks how you feel, for all I care go break an ankle and snap your heel." I mutter under my breath as she perks up and walks inside. This girl thinks she's the main character. 

She paid for the skates for both of us though. The guy at the counter was pretty damn fine. Brown wavy hair with green eyes poking out. His toned skin got the attention of River. She told him her shoe size and I followed up.

I walked around the corner and got my skates as River followed, staring the young boy at the counter down. Didn't she already like Aaron? The fuck is happening?

"I think he's into me." She whispered to me. I rolled my eyes in response. I slipped on my skates when I heard a familiar voice. Danny!

The kid skated my way and smiled brightly. My man was here for me, he wouldn't let me down. See at first I thought I'd be all alone. 

Danny was my man, blondie with blue eyes. He had a small face and decent height. Not literally my man, no no not dating! My best man. 

"I didn't know you'd be here man!" His smile gleamed. I smiled with him as he went to sit down by me. I patted the man on the back.

"Neither did I, What brings you here?" After I patted him on the back, I went back to tying my skates.

Danny smiled and seemed more than excited. "I came out here to skate with my family, plus it's open skate night." He paused in his words. I felt his eyes on my skates. "How 'bout you man? What brings you here?"

I went to tie my other skate. "My sister dragged me along. Thanks to her, I seemed to meet you here."

Danny nodded in response. This was one of the few times I was thankful for my sister. My headache still was a burden, as well as my stomach and the bruises River left on my face. That didn't matter did it? No. Not to me. 

I sat up, fighting through the burning sensation in my forehead and the starving feeling in my stomach. I still could skate decently well, it just hurt to do so.

Danny skated by me as we went to the big skating rink. I followed him as 'get him back!' by Olivia played on the speaker. I think the goal was to try and knock each other down, because Danny almost ran me over. I swear to god I almost got squished.

Anyway, Danny started to skate quicker. I couldn't catch up because I was quite scared I'd nail a kid on the skating way.

At some point, after minutes of being trapped in my own thought, an aching pain hit my stomach. I knew I had to park my skates. I skated off the rink to roll into the bathroom. I didn't want to have someone come in and see my fleshy slimy wound on my stomach. 

Struggleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें