Divorced Parents

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TW: FOUL LANGUAGE, LGBTQ+, and maybe more. I don't really have a good idea where this is going. 

With such a small town like mine, you'd expect a lot of nice people. But in fact, there were some people that didn't understand the word 'Respect' as much as I do. 

Charleston Brookfield, but my friends call me Charlie because it's just too long of a name they say. My father says it sounds like I'm from a royal family with my name. But I'm not. I think what he said was BS.

Ace Hamilton is one of many people I don't know well. I don't talk to him because I could care less. But for the past year or so, I've only felt hope in me grow as I hear his voice when I walk by his classes.

 Maybe I am needy for friends? But I can't understand it. It's like I am the fish and I was caught by the hook, but Ace doesn't known he caught me in his line yet.

I only had one class with him out of the eight we had. Plus the extra after school activities I took. However, every day I would catch myself staring at him for a long time. It annoyed me so much. His hazel Autumn eyes, looking like a pool of honey. But then his dumb caramel hair. It's like his eyes and hair matched.

Maybe some day I could see him eye to eye, but probably never. I'm not often picked for my height, but it gets to be whenever someone talks about it. Being under 5'4 pisses me off. I'll never get his eyes locked into mine.

 My daydream was interrupted by some scum. Well, I shouldn't say that. But she is. River is my Twin sister. My parents had quintuplets, So she was just one out of four other boys that had the label of being my mother's children. Counting me too.

"Would you get your head back down to earth?" She nudged me on my arm. I was shocked back into reality as I looked at her. She had a serious face. Was I supposed to miss out on what she said?

"Now Listen to me this time before your ears get turned inside out." she threatened me, cocking her head to the side in annoyance. She pushed her locker door shut a little too hard.

"Pleasant." I mumbled. What was so interesting to her that she had to destroy my day dream? If it's not something good, she'll be the one having her ears turned inside out AND ear swabs Stabbed inside.

"That boy. You see him? Down the hall? That's Aaron Campbell." River stuck her finger out, pointing it right at some brown haired guy with a round face. I knew what she was talking about. This woman has had her eyes on him for a long time. He didn't have the looks. Yet he did have a good humor. I can agree with that.

"Last time you had a boyfriend he ditched you for a blond." I sneered. She was just going to get herself caught into something she didn't need. 

"Yeah, but he seems really nice." She lowered her lumpy witch finger and had all seriousness in her eyes.

"That's what you always say." I chuckled as I said it, knowing she did always say it. But why did she always have a boyfriend? It's like she needs the attention. River turned her head, darting a mean look. Sorry I guess?

"At least I don't adore one guy for what, a year now?" She hissed. My face turned red. I got pissed. She didn't have to point that out.

"I'm not adoring him. I'll get over it anyways." I kicked her heel, telling her to shut up about it since we are out in the open.

River had known about me liking Ace. I hate admitting I do like him, because in my view it makes me look snobby. I'm a male. Dating a guy like him- even liking him is too far of a stretch for me to make. 

"Yeah right, you wuss." River smiled. She snapped her wart fingers, then put her hand on her hip. She can't even snap her fingers right. It's like she's just rubbing her paper wrinkled fingers together.

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