Chapter 10 A Bat's Deductions

Start from the beginning

Clark perked up his ears.

Bruce made another swiping motion.

"Czarnian physiology is apparently unique, making them susceptible to death when killed by their race".

"And why did this brutal alien deem it fit to wipe out his species?" Clark asked.

Batman's face turned strange.

"According to the records, two rather peculiar reasons. One, as an experiment to see if he could really do it. Two, bragging rights when saying he's the last of his kind".

His words left Superman speechless, displeasure written all over his face, while Diana had her disgust deepen even further.

"To eliminate all life on his planet for such ridiculous reasons, By Hera…"

His exclamation earned a nod from Batman, who swiped the holographic monitor yet again.

"While it can be agreed that Lobo is a homicidal maniac, the one who truly worries me is someone who can put the known to be immortal Czarnian into a catatonic state". Batman said with a frown etched on his face.

"You mean the other one that appeared".

Diana asked, Batman nodded and brought up a picture of his face. Purple eyes, flawless skin, chiseled jawline, a calm indifferent aura around him.

He looked at the screen with more and more thought as the face outlined in his mind.

Bruce wasn't concerned with looks. At least that was how he behaved when he was in his Batman Persona. As Batman, he only cared about the looks of someone else when it was needed for facial recognition to track down his targets.

Whether they were handsome, beautiful, ugly, disgusting, all were equal according to his fists.

When he was Bruce Wayne, however, what mattered to him was to flaunt his fame, fortune and good looks to the media while picking up gorgeous women.

His wealth, combined with his attractive appearance, were particularly useful in that endeavor. So point being, he, Bruce Wayne, was confident in his looks even though he never cared for them.

However, he knew that he fell short when compared to the Man on the screen. If he were asked to describe the face on the screen, it would be with only one word.

Perfect. A little too perfect.

This didn't have anything to do about personality or character.

Those things had no influence on this.

It was a subconscious comparison all men would make when faced with someone of similar or better looks, even if they didn't realize it.

The world of Men.

It didn't matter whether he was the serious, broody Batman or the nigh invincible Superman, as the latter had a slight furrow in his brows that disappeared faster than he would know.

"By Hera…. This is him? Are you sure he is of alien origins?" Diana asked with a twinkle in her eyes. This male was truly blessed.

Superman saw this scene as his brows furrowed once again, frowning slightly.

"Have you gotten anything on him?" Clark looked at Bruce. The latter frowned even deeper.

"No". Batman responded with a growl in his tone. Uttering the word itself seemed to irk Bruce more than the news of the death casualties in Metropolis.



Both Leaguers behind him asked with some surprise.

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