Chapter 8 Hypocritical

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The universe truly was terrifying.

Looking at both of them, although one was now currently out of commission, Batman had already labeled them as Alpha Class threat levels. Their priority, the same level as that demon that appeared years ago, which led to the Justice league's formation.



Even Stepphenwolf didn't have the power capable of fighting against Superman at such a level. Admittedly, he was capable of taking on the Justice league members, until Clark's arrival.

Subsequently, the battle rhythm had changed from a stalemate to Superman wiping the floor with him in a straightforward confrontation while Diana gave the finishing blow.

Of course, that wouldn't do full justice as Cyborg and both Lanterns were dealing with the Motherbox and Shazam still didn't have full control over his abilities.

Things were getting out of control, and Batman didn't like it. Especially the way this alien was particularly skilled with words, weaving his sentences in a way that left Superman unable to retort.

Clark's words and actions were being filmed on live television all over the globe. The chances of it being used against him by some dirty politicians, the US Congress, World council or even a certain scheming Luthor to tarnish his name and that of the League were 100% guaranteed.

He could see the doubt and hesitation on Clark's face, causing his features underneath his mask to form a scowl.

His gut told him that whoever this alien was, he didn't mean well. Call it what you will, but his instincts were seldomly wrong. The almost in that sentence for him was just being humble.

These aliens were a threat, and they needed to be contained and brought in for questioning. No matter how others would see his actions, he wasn't going to take any chances. After all, he was a paranoid rich man in a bat costume. How he would achieve that however, was currently beyond him.

"Oh! A man dressed up in what I believe to be a costume of an inferior species on this planet. Well, there's something you don't see every day. I thought your species would find it demeaning, but who am I to judge. So pray tell, what right could that be?" The one holding the alien male by the throat asked with a raised eyebrow.

Presently, he was really curious. What was Batman going to open up with. Was he going to state some kind of Intergalactic law written by the guardians of Oa or something?

He resisted the urge to peek into the future using energy at that moment.

Bruce looked at him, his expression hidden under his mask, and stated. He didn't seem to be offended by the earlier statement.

"While it is true that our Laws have no hold over you, it does over your actions on our planet. Both of you…." He pointed at him and Lobo. "Trespassed into our territory, caused massive property damage as well as the deaths of countless Innocents. That alone illiterates that you need to be held accountable for what you've done". He gave off a light glare as the features of his cowl squeezed.

"You don't just barge into a man's house, break his stuff and expect to walk out without no consequences. Earthlings are no pushovers".

"His crimes can and will be held accounted for by the league. You as well, offworlder will need to be brought in for questioning".

Bruce said his momentum. He was already standing a few feet away from the male as he stood his ground, showing his conviction.

"..... I need to be brought in for questioning?" He looked at Batman with am expression as if he were looking at an idiot. Which for some reason left Bruce unsettled.

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