38. The second ultrasound.

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Today is the day of the second ultrasound. I have read that today they are mainly going to take measurements of the growth of our little sprout and that we will hear the heartbeat for the first time. I took half a day off from work especially for this occasion.

Unfortunately, it's a busy day at work. An owner of a clothing line who is in trouble wants to sell his company to me before it is declared bankrupt, and all his employees are fired. I understand that he is desperate and that he wants to explain everything thoroughly. But three hours is already too much of my time. I understand that Patrick is an old friend of my father's, but I can't perform miracles. No one buys a sinking ship.

At first, I didn't want to ask my father to come, but I asked him an hour ago. My father has just arrived. "So, you think Patrick's business has no future?" My father asks, with his small reading glasses on his nose. He reads through the files and a frown form on his forehead. "The only thing we can do for him is that his people have a chance at job in my other companies, but Patrick's company is as good as bankrupt." I look at my watch and sigh. "Do you have to go somewhere? I can see that you're nervous." I smile and look dreamily ahead. We decided to keep it a secret until after this ultrasound. Stephanie and Arthur are the only ones who know, and I think Barbara already has an inkling. But we must not be afraid of her. She is good at keeping secrets and has already secretly given me some tips to help Vanessa with her morning sickness.

"Son? Do you need to go somewhere or not? I can handle it here for you. I know how to handle Patrick."

"Yes, I have to go somewhere very important," I answer with a big smile.

"Son, you make me curious."

"Vanessa and I have an appointment in an hour."

"For the wedding or for something entirely else?" My father raises his eyebrows, and a small smile appears on his lips. I know he's figured out what I want to tell him a long time ago, but he's just like always. He wants to hear it from my mouth.

"No, we're going to see how your grandchild is doing."

My father looks away from his papers at me and removes his glasses from his nose. "So, Vanessa and you are pregnant?" He asks with a cheerful face.

"Yes, it's our second ultrasound," I answer proudly.

"Good, good," my father says, shifting back and forth in his chair. "Ah, damn it, son. I know you don't like it, but this deserves a hug." My dad stands up and gives me a big hug with a few pats on my back. Then he takes my head between his hands and says, "Go, quickly to Vanessa. I don't want to see you walking around here in a minute. Go and see your little miracle."

I take my vest and wave goodbye to my father before letting Patrick back into the room. "Sorry, Patrick, but I have other things. My father will take care of everything."

On the way home, the smile remains burned on my lips and soon I see Vanessa outside ready to go to the appointment. Vanessa steps and I look at me with a smile.

"You look cheerful?" she asks me as she gives me a kiss on the lips.

"My dad knows. Sorry, I couldn't wait to tell him."

Vanessa blows my apology away with her hand. "Ah, no problem. Stephanie knew it about me and therefore Arthur did too, and even then. After, today everyone may know."

We drive to the private practice and don't have to wait to go straight into the doctor's office. Vanessa is on the examination table. This time all she has to do is open her pants and lower them a little and pull up her T-shirt. She is shocked when the gel is sprayed on her belly. Even though the doctor warned that it would feel cold.

"And curious about your baby?"

"Yes, very much so. I almost couldn't eat."

"Vanessa, you and the baby need the nutrients. Promise me when you get home that you'll eat something."

"I personally make sure she eats," I reply a little too quickly.

The doctor laughs. "You have a concerned husband."

"Tell me what," Vanessa says, rolling her eyes. The doctor rubs Vanessa's lower abdomen with the ultrasound button until she stops in the middle. She presses buttons and then rotates the screen.

"I'll take some measurements, and can you see your baby? It's waving."

I look in amazement at the little creature visible on the monitor. It has grown so much compared to last time. You can see the arms, the legs. The head looks a bit strange, but that's our child. The doctor takes the measurements and looks at the ventricle before looking at Vanessa and me.

"Do you want to hear the heartbeat?"

"Of course," Vanessa replies without hesitation. The doctor taps the button and there it is. It's music to your ears. The fast heartbeat of our little miracle.

"Do you have a USB stick with you?"

"Uh, yes," I answer, searching for the stick in my coat pockets. I finally find it in my shirt pocket and give it to the doctor. She picks up a piece and gives it back to me.

On the way back home, Vanessa is quiet. "Hey, is there anything?" I ask worriedly.

"No, I'm just so overwhelmed by the ultrasound." She puts her hand on her belly. "Knowing that we might not have a baby."

"What are you talking about?"

"If Karen had shot me in a different place that day, then..." Tears escape from her eyes. I pull the car over and put my hand on the hand that is still on her stomach. "Vanessa, it didn't happen. You're still here and our family is expanding. We are so lucky, and I embrace it with open arms. Come on, we're going home. You need food and a lazy evening on the couch. We've got a movie to watch."

"A movie?"

"Yes, a movie that I want to watch and listen to twenty times in a row."

Vanessa smiles at me and I drive home to go and watch our little baby.

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