27. The rescue

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We are a couple of meters from the house. Tony looks at the details with his men. They want to overpower them. The lookout has figured out that there are only two men present and Karen. There is no trace of Kevin. I get more nervous by the minute, knowing that Vanessa is tied up somewhere in that house. Her room is completely closed to spectators. I stare ahead, not listening to the plan.

"Dave? Dave, do you hear me?" Tony asks in a raised tone for my attention.

"Yes, I hear you. I had wandered off for a moment."

Tony looks worriedly in my direction. "You really care about this woman. Isn't it?"

I sigh and let my shoulders droop. "Yes, I love her." We look at each other with a look of mutual understanding.

"We will do everything we can to bring her back to you safely."

Tony walks to the trunk of his car. Takes a bulletproof jacket and throws it at me.

"Put on and stay with me," he says, while I'm catching the jacket with both hands.

Are You going in with me? But why?" I ask confusedly. Normally Tony never does this. Normally he is their leader and coordinates everything from the sidelines.

"Because I'm your friend of course. And they took the love of my friend. That makes it personal for me," Tony replies, giving me a few pats on the shoulder.

"We'll have Vanessa in a few hours, and you can take her back home."

"I hope you're right," I sigh nervously. I have a bad feeling that I'm losing my feather. I'll only be comfortable when she's safe and sound in my arms.

A man dressed all in black comes to stand with us. He has a Glock 17 with a damper in one hand. "Boss, one of the two men is in the range to take out. We can go in."

"All right, put yourself on your toes Dave. The rescue can begin."

We run towards the house. When we arrive at the back door, one kidnapper is already in a pool of his own blood. His cigarette is still smoking next to him. Then it was the turn of the other but unfortunately, he had seen them coming, and put it on a run.

"Intruders, there are intr... "The man stumbles and falls with his headfirst on the ground.

"Where's Vanessa," Tony shouts. Tony has placed the man whit his arm on his back and is applying pressure.

The man screams in pain and replies, "In the room above."

One of the men in black takes over the man and forces him to his knees. The man instinctively puts his hands behind his head, and begs, "Please, spare me,"

"James holds him here. Go further upstairs," Tony orders the others. The other two nod and we follow them up the stairs. We arrive at the open door, and I am shocked by what I see in front of me.

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