34. On discharge

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When I'm wheeled back into my room, I look at Dave with a wide smile. When my seat is in place and the logistic worker leave the room, I say: "I can go home this afternoon."

Dave's face lights up as he cheerfully asks, "Really? Can you go home?"

"A nurse has to come every day to change the bandages and I have to keep calm. The vomiting is a result of a small infection. I need to eat light food."

"I make sure everything is ready when you get home. Get ready for a night full of movies and lots of cuddling."

"Dave! You don't have to stay home specifically to babysit me. I know you have a lot of work to do. You've put your cell phone on silent, but I can hear it vibrating non-stop."

"They can wait. I'm with the most important person in my life now," he says as he walks up to me. "Yes, and I say you can't neglect your work for me. Take it, Dave. The trembling gets on my nerves, and I'm going to lie down in bed to rest."

"Good, but I'll help you in bed first."

I stand up from my seat and press my hand against his chest.

"I'm good at crawling into my bed myself. I have a wound that recovered well. Not a life-threatening disease. If I'm on my own this week, then I have to rely on myself." I settle into bed but let him put the blankets over me.

"I know I'm a little overprotective, but I almost lost you," he says as he sits down on the edge of my bed. He strokes the hair away from before my eyes.

"I'm not a delicate girl. And I'm still here. You haven't gotten rid of me yet," I reply with a smile. "Mhmm, who says I'll ever get enough of you. I want to take you home and pamper you so much that you can't get out of bed from fatigue."

"Dave," I reply, blushing and sighing. Our lips press together, and I feel my lower abdomen tickle and my panties gradually getting wet from desire. Dave picks up his phone, which is still shaking on the table. I hear his voice talking about numbers and appointments. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I'm woken up by a nurse who walks in with a tray full of food.

"Hey Vanessa, where should I put your food?"

"Put it at the table," I reply, throwing my blankets off me. I yawn and carefully get out of bed. I sit down next to Dave who is just reading a document on his laptop. The nurse comes in with a second tray and Dave gives a sign that she should put it on the other side. I look at the nurse with a raised eyebrow and get a smile back. "Dave, it's time to eat now. Put that laptop aside."

Dave looks at me with a raised eyebrow before his face lights up. "Are you now going to order me to put my work aside? Didn't you just say to do my job?" he asks as he closes his laptop and slides it away a little. I slide his tray in front of him and cheerfully reply, "Yes, but you still need your necessary energy to get through the day. Eat!"

"So, commanding. Well, I eat this delicious hospital food and then read on. I... No, I'll ask another time."

"What, is something wrong?"

"The document is not very well drafted. It's a contract for a hotel, but there are holes in it. I'm a bit absent, I guess."

"I can check it out. Maybe I'll see what you're missing."

"No, you need to rest."

"I look through that document in my bed. No contradiction."

"Okay," Dave replies with his hands in surrender. "You have it your way. Workaholic."

I chuckle. "Someone has to be the workaholic, because you're not there at the moment."

"Hey, my biggest project is sitting next to me. You are my everything, without you Dave Lavens is no one."

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