Chapter 15: Destination

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n. the purpose for which something is predetermined or destined

"So you could make snow angels and not get cold?"

Zelda laughed. "I don't know. I told you I've only read about them."

"Okay, but you're ignoring all of the possibilities!" cried Link. "You could spend all day building a snow fort and never have to stop to warm up your hands." He gasped and looked at her sharply. "You'd be invincible in a snowball fight."

The knight and princess were back on the road to Kakariko Village. Although crossing the river was a hassle, they still had energy to spare. The mushroom skewers Link had made before they set out were mouthwatering, and Zelda nearly wept at the flavor. Then she admonished him for not cooking for them sooner, to which he laughed and made some facetious comment about their loyalty to their favorite granola.

Now they were full, happy and ready for this final leg of the journey. They'd likely reach Kakariko before lunchtime, even with their laggard progress. However, a short while into the trip, the food high began to wear off. Link was trying to be covert, but Zelda knew he was fretting over Catherine's worsening condition. Meanwhile that sinking feeling that they would be met with disappointment at the village seeped its way back into Zelda's gut. Just because they'd found one stambulb didn't mean they'd find sundelions, let alone enough to mitigate the malice across the land. Which was also assuming it nullified the effects at all.

Whether the distraction was for his or for her sake, Link began questioning Zelda about various mushrooms again.

There was a warmth in her chest, a lightness when Link nodded thoughtfully and asked follow-up questions. Seeing the eager intrigue in his eyes felt like looking in a mirror. Although his contributions were somewhat childish—like gauging his capacity to endure wintry activities—it was becoming harder to convince herself that his engagement was just an act. His whimsy at the notion of forts and angels of snow was too authentic. She didn't realize she was studying his profile until a patch of sun turned his hair sandy, and she felt phantom flutters vanish from her heart. As if acknowledging their presence caused them to do so.

It was alarmingly similar to the feeling she had around Mido, but she dismissed the implications. She was just happy to share her knowledge with someone who was genuinely interested, is all. And even if it was more than that—which it wasn't—Zelda was loyal to Mido.

"Where do we gotta go to get some of these mushrooms, then?" Link was saying, "I wanna stock up before winter."

"Hmm, chillshrooms thrive in snowy conditions. I'd think a cold region like Hebra would be the best place to harvest them." She gave her tangled hair a haughty toss over her shoulder. "Had I known you were looking for cold resistance, however, we could've gathered some warm safflina while we were in Gerudo."

"Hold on." Link's eyes sliced sideways. "You're telling me safflina can do this magic mushroom shit too?"

"Sure am," she singsonged. "Lots of plants do lots of things. Remember the Hyrule Herb in the Yiga hideout?"

Link nodded. "So... back then, when you said you only knew useless facts, what you really meant to say was"—his voice pitched up an octave—"'Yes, Link, I know all their super powers.'"

It took more effort that she cared to admit not to reward his mockery with a snicker. "That's not what I sound like. And don't know all that much regarding fungi or fauna,"—Link scoffed, obviously disagreeing—"it's flora that I'm most interested in."

"Like, flowers?"

"Amongst other things."

"Okay then, what's your favorite?"

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