Chapter 1 Let's Eat!

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Okay , my life just went from a normal country girl, to the twilight zone I was just, driving my truck , pulling the trailer with my four wheeler , and fan boat now I'm in the middle of this field the atmosphere has red dust that shimmers in the sunlight...

...Welcome to Rivelrem! You have been chosen by the gods to fight , with the people , and aid the men in their daily power up which is gained through sex magic! "What? You , expect me to do it with all of them?"

The voice laughed... No , only one a day in your harem but it's optional!
" Phew , thank goodness! I , thought you wanted me to marry all of them! What ,am I fighting?"

He laughed again... I , am speaking through your truck , and in your mind! You , will gain skill points and money completing tasks which , can also lead to powers and gifts!
Travel ahead ! " Wait , won't I run out of gas?" No , it's unlimited!

" Good that's awesome!" I , drove through this huge field and ahead there are houses, like huts but also there are a lot of , men , or eh beastmen , yokai maybe looking.
I see this group of guys coming over as I get out...

Are you from X ? " What's X? It's , my first day in this world!" Don't lie woman! " I'm not telling lies ! The , gods sent me to help!" Hmph, how can you help ugly?

This chick " Who , the fuck are you calling ugly looking like , you got a cockatoo on ya head? And ,to be direct I was told to help you dudes power up... And fight!"

Big brother , doesn't have time for ugly weirdos! I , took off my jacket and jeans in the middle of the street I , heard footsteps from the side of this huge hunk , of an older man with a mace on , his back looks down blushing with hiccups... In all my life... I've , only seen two women this beautiful if , you boys don't move I'll take her first turn!

" Yo , old boy thanks for the compliment but I ,get a say in the who and when!" He blushed .
This , guy with red , and white hair came up ... I'm Noggi , be my woman! " So , you are mine and only mine no affairs!" He grins .. What, are these monsters? This , is my truck, trailer, fan boat, and four wheeler!"

" So , Noggi where do you live?" Near , the forest there is a creek!
" What do you eat around here?" Come , on I'll get you something!
Noggi, and all his buddies including the sister follow into the diner .

These guys pushed three tables together, and the older guy sat next to me in a bigger chair..
Little charmer , where are you from? " What's your name?" I , am Maxim the leader of this village!

" It's , nice to know you're easy to talk too! Well , before I was sent here planet Earth ,the state of Mississippi but I , was in Louisiana leaving my brother's house , when I'm suddenly here!"

You , aren't from Rivelrem? " No!"
Incredible! I , am Nise a fortune reader! Noggi, lifts me placing me in his lap.. I ordered for us! " I'm Jessica!"

This , chick continued looking at me in a daze. This , guy from another table came over ... Your , something to catch Nise eyes! I , am Nox ! I nodded " So, what do you do here?"

I , am the local underworld dealer , for charms , and weaponry ! May , I join your family? "Can , you and Noggi get along?" We , tolerate each other! This , guy has horns , and an arrow tipped tail and is hot ... " Yes , just be good!"

He, laughed and kissed , my cheek the food came .... Noggi , are you here to say yes? This , girl pushed me when Noggi growled at her ... No , this is my mate ! Don't touch her again!

I thought " Hey you there?" Yes ! If , she starts , a fight do I have any weapons? Or , am I flying solo on a fishing line?" I , got you covered if she fights just , say " possession order!"

"Hey , don't you want to apologize for being a bitch?" Nox grins ...Yes , don't you owe her an apology! Hmph , I am an elevated fighter ! She's , nobody on this food chain!
" Possession Order" Nox , eyes went wide , and his fangs shined with a grin.... When , this hussy punched I didn't feel anything! Not shit ! I thumped her nose and.... "Well , y'all got free panty shots!"
I say " She , looks kinda like Wylie Coyote , after trying to catch the roadrunner!" Noggi, laughed and hugged me.. Let's eat!

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