"Take a good look at them." I showed the photo to her again, "they're sharing a table. He's holding his fork, and the woman's got her glass. You see how adoringly she looked at him, right? Obviously, they're dating!"

"Wow, this is bad," Marie said, shaking her head at me.

"What's bad?" I asked, puzzled by what she was talking about.

"You're totally jealous."

"No way, I'm not! I'm just mad that he made me look stupid. He had the audacity to seek revenge on me, then rub it in my face by going back to his old habits of partying and hooking up with someone in another country. Maybe he always does that with the women he hooks up with. Going on a vacation outside the country, you know, for a honeymoon. Just like he did to me."

"I don't know. I still think you're just being jealous and overthinking."

"I'm not." My forehead furrowed. "Did you even hear a word I said?"

"Yes I did, I'm listening okay? But you need to calm down."

"How can I calm down? That bastard succeeded in destroying me! Now, I can't even think. My mind is all about him. My heart hurts, I feel so down, and I can't even focus on work. I haven't even started my manuscript, and it's due on Friday."

"Uh-oh, you're in trouble. You need to work on it. Don't let him ruin your dream of publishing a book by the Dreamers."

"Yeah, you're totally right. I'm gonna ruin him by spilling his secrets before he ruins me."

"Hey, that's not what I mean." She looked frustrated at me. "And what secrets are you talking about? Is there more that I don't know?"

"Yes, there is. You want to know?"

I told her everything I knew about Sebastian getting kidnapped, and she was totally shocked.

"You can't go telling the entire world and expose him again. That's a super delicate issue. It could totally ruin him."

"Well, isn't that my purpose? To bring him down. He pushed my buttons, so now I'm gonna give him a taste of his own medicine."

Marie wasn't happy about it, but I was dead set on getting revenge on Sebastian.

I was so mad, it really got me fired up to write. I went home and wrote about Sebastian's kidnapping, sharing every detail he told me. I didn't stop writing until I was done.

By Wednesday morning, I had the final draft of my manuscript. All set to be mailed in a brown envelope.

"Are you seriously going to send it?" Marie said with a frown.

"Of course."

"Just think about it first, okay? Give yourself some time before going for it. It could seriously mess with Sebastian's life."

"Well, he asked for it." I shrugged my shoulders.

My phone rang before Marie could even reply. I picked up and hit the loud speaker. It was Colton.

"Hey, Sweet. Can you please be here in the dorm today? I need help right away."

"What kind of help do you need?"

"Just come, alright? It's urgent. And please don't tell anyone." He said.

"Too late. Marie is here, and she heard you. You're on loudspeaker."

"Oh no! Just tell her to zip her mouth, okay?"

"Are you in trouble?" I asked him.

"Well, not really though. My roommate is driving me crazy. I really need you to deal with this lunatic. Don't waste any time, hurry. I need you here ASAP."

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll just pack some clothes and I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and grabbed my overnight bag, then threw everything inside.

"Is everything okay?" Marie helped me grab some clothes too and put them inside my bag.

"Colton's roommate is, like, totally insane and really aggressive. I'm worried he might hurt Colton. They're not on good terms."

"What does he want you to do?"

"Colton asked me to confront his roommate, because he can't handle him. They hate each other." I put my underwear, personal products, and sandals inside my bag.

"That really happens. You can't get along with anyone right away."

"That's what I told him," I noticed my manuscript, then turned to Marie. "Can I ask you a favor?"

Without hesitation, she agreed.

"Sure. Anything you ask."

I gave her the envelope with my manuscript inside.

"Can you please send this through the courier? I'm in a rush. I have little time to drop it off later."

"Sure, no worries." She agreed.

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by Neilani Alejandrino
After a hot-headed playboy billionaire stands her up for a career-mak...
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