Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Very well, Ellisif."

The two women share a smile. Rona says her goodbyes to the two ladies in waiting before leaving.

The young shieldmaiden makes her way outside. Some of the fleet had already started moving. She quickly made her way back to her tent, grabbed her bags and was now stood with the Ragnarssons, Floki, Harald and Halfdan, just about to leave.

Rona felt an ever so slight pain in her temple. She massaged it to try and make it go away. Now was not the best time for her to be fainting.

"I hear you attended Vik's funeral last night?" Harald asks Rona, standing a little too close for comfort.

"I did attend Earl Vik's funeral, yes." Rona replied. Harald smiles cockily.

"I would advise you to be careful, Rona. Start thinking about where your loyalties lie. You do not want to get caught in the crossfire. And I do not know how you seem to know so much about myself and my brother but just know, when it comes down to it, who are people going to believe? A King or some girl?" Harald says, leaning in close to the shieldmaiden. Rona steps away.

"I would advise you to be careful with your words, Harald. I know most of them are empty threats. I am not afraid of you. I don't care how much 'power' you have." Rona says.

Harald shakes his head, almost laughing and goes to assist his fleet with some final preparations.

Hvitserk observed the exchange between Harald and Rona. He comes over.

"Are you alright?" Hvitserk asks, referring to Rona's altercation with the king.

"I'm fine. He just irks me."

Once the fleet are ready, everybody begins the journey inland. Rona jumps onto her horse. The fleet moves slowly but steadily. The journey is rather long and tiresome but the English terrain is nothing compared to the terrain back home, so things run relatively smoothly. That is until Rona begins losing her vision again. Bjorn, who is riding beside her leans over slightly.

"Everything okay?" Bjorn asks, knowing Rona will more than likely pass out due to a vision soon.

"I'm fine. I think I can deal with this one. Just, please, do not make a fuss." Rona says.

Rona is back in Kattegat in the great hall. Lagertha's shieldmaidens and some towns people are gathered around something in the centre of the room. Rona starts making her way through the crowd so she can see what everybody is staring at.

Rona is back with the fleet, on her horse. She turns to her left, Bjorn is sneaking glances at her, to ensure her safety and dignity. Hvitserk is riding behind Bjorn and Rona along with Ubbe and Sigurd then Ivar is riding behind them on his chariot, closely followed by Floki, Helga, a tired looking Tanaruz and the rest of the fleet.

Back in Kattegat, Rona can now see hot coals and can smell burning flesh. She sees the somewhat familiar man, Egil on some sort of spit. He's bound by his wrists and ankles, being rotated on the spit above the coals like a pig. Lagertha paces up and down the room.

"What do you see?" Bjorn asks, as quiet as he can as to not draw any attention. Rona rubs her temple. Rona does not manage to speak as she is pulled back to Kattegat after only a few short seconds.

Egil is n pain but does a good job of hiding the extent of it. This kind of t0rture was not for the faint hearted. Lagertha crouches down so she is at Egil's level.

"They say you're called Egil," Lagertha says. "Egil the b*stard. That's what they call you." Lagertha stands up again.

Rona is observing the scene. As restless as she is. She does her best to remain silent and just take in what information she can so she can relay it to Bjorn.

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