When I took my first bite, I immediately paused to look at it.

"You're scaring me, princess," he said. "How does it taste? Do you like it?"

I nodded my head vigorously. "I love it. What is the filing? Cheese?"

He smiled. "Mozzarella."

"I love it too, Santo,"  Lucia said as she touched him to get his attention. "I can eat your food all day."

He turned to her with a smile. "Really?"

She bit her lips. "I love it a lot."

I rolled my eyes as I tried not to gag from her sentence.

She turned to me. "Emilia."

I faked a smile. "Yes, Lucia?"

"What are you studying in college?"

"Psychology,"  I answered as I ate one Santo's delicious arancini.

She laughed. "Psychology? How is that going to help Santo run his business?"

I paused and slowly looked at her as I tried to formulate an appropriate response.

"Lucia, what are doing?" he asked her.

"The last time I checked, I wasn't getting my degree for Santo. It's for me. This degree allows me to learn about something that I'm actually interested in so I don't become some shit auditor who works for men who will never love her. Now please shut up, I'm trying to eat here."

Santo turned to me holding in his smile as she watched me in shock.

"Santo, are you just going to make her talk to me like that?" she asked as she turned to him. "Get your her under control."

He shrugged. "You asked a question and she answered. I see nothing wrong."

She scoffed before standing up. "I'm leaving. I'll send you the files by email," she said before storming out.

"Finally I can eat in peace," I said as I picked up another arancini.

"Emilia," he said now looking mad at me. "What was that about?"

"Nothing, I just hate when bitches try to get under my skin when I'm eating," I said while continuing to enjoy my food.

"Well, good job," he said awkwardly. "You turned me on a little when you did that."

I paused to look on him. Did I hear that right? "Pardon me?"

He looked at his watch before standing up.

"Look at the time. I have to get down to the warehouse. Can you put the leftovers in the fridge without burning down my kitchen?"

I smiled. "I think it might be hard but I'll try. I can't promise you anything."

He smiled at my lame joke. "I'll see you later, Emilia."

I waved to him before he left.

The smile remained on my face long after he was gone. I liked where we were again.

My phone rang and when I looked at the phone I saw that it was Bella and my smile grew wider.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" I answered pretending not to know who it was.

"You got married and forgot about your best friend?" she asked.

I laughed. "I think you're describing yourself. You haven't answered any of my calls."

"I know, Em," she said. "I'm sorry. How are you and your husband? Have you two fallen in love yet? At the wedding, you two couldn't stand to look at each other."

I smiled as I thought of him. "I don't think we'll ever fall in love but I do see a friendship in the near future."

"Your tone says otherwise. It seems like he's been giving you butterflies."

I laughed hysterically. "Butterflies? You wish."

"Em, I've heard you talk about your celebrity crushes all the time. I know when someone gives you butterflies."

I quickly changed the subject. "I miss you so much, Bella."

"I miss you too."

"Maybe you can visit?" I suggested and she sighed.

"You know I can't, Em. You're in unsafe territories for me. Our mafias aren't exactly friends."

"I'm Santo's wife, nothing will happen," I tried to convince her.

"I know that Em but my papá and husband would never take the risk."

"What if I come to visit?" I brainstormed.

Santo made it clear that he wouldn't stop me from going out if a bodyguard was present.

I liked that about him. He never tried to stop me from doing anything (besides cooking).

She stayed quiet on the other end and I checked to see if she was still on the phone.

"Isabella, are you still there?"

She sighed. "Em, you're not exactly on our side anymore."

I laughed. "Bella, what are you talking about? Of course, I am. I will always be a Mariano."

"I know you will be but you're also a Valentino now. You're married to a leader who doesn't show his true motives."

My body began to feel weak. "Isabella, what are you talking about? You know I married Santo as my father's wish to benefit our mafia."

"I know that Em," she said. "But Enzo is in a lot of hot water for that now. A lot of people were not pleased with his decision."

"What?" I asked. "Is my father okay?"

"Emilia, you know your father," she said. "No one scares that man except for your mother."

"Isabella, what are you trying to tell me?" I asked since I was not in the mood to hear her beat around the bush. "Do you want to stop being friends with me?"

"No, no. Of course not Em, you're my best friend," she said. "What I am trying to say is maybe we shouldn't meet for a while. My husband doesn't feel comfortable."

I scoffed. "So you're picking some bastard you met a year ago over your best friend who you've known since we were kids?"

"Emilia, don't say it like that."

"You know what? I'll say it however I want," I said before hanging up the phone.

I can't believe after everything I've done for my mafia this is how they returned the favor. Treating me like I'm some traitor?

Without my sacrifice, the deal would've been off and there would be no free ammunition for them to recklessly use.

Emilia: Finding My ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now