The End

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I looked over my shoulder and saw Vilgax who didn't look pleased at all.

Y/N: The Omnitrix had to be destroyed and I was the one who finally did it.

Vilgax: You fool...

Y/N: What's the matter? Mad that I destroyed another addition to your collection?

Vilgax: Collection? You think this was all about some stupid collection?!

He asked, getting even more mad now.

Y/N: Obviously, what else was this about then?

I asked, crossing my arms sceptically.

Vilgax: I wanted the Omnitrix to keep this thing locked inside there!

She shouted as he pointed to a black mist that surrounded us and refused to let us leave.

Y/N: What the hell is that?

Vilgax: You have freed the most powerful being in the universe...and it's mad at both of us.

Y/N: What "being" would that be?

Vilgax: Alien X, the creator of the Omnitrix.

Y/N: It created the Omnitrix and let itself get captured?

Vilgax: No...I used the Omnitrix to capture it, I then thought that I found a spot hidden well enough so that this tool will never be found, but I was wrong.

Y/N: Are you telling me that I just destroyed the prison cell for the most powerful alien in existence?

Vilgax: Yes, you did.

Y/N: Why did you never tell us about that?

Vilgax: I told you guys to hand over the Omnitrix to me but you never listened. This whole "conquer the earth" plan had only one goal in mind, getting the Omnitrix.

Y/N: You should've told us what the hell we were dealing with!

Vilgax: You guys would've most likely gotten the brilliant idea to use Alien X against me.

Y/N: Can't deny that to be honest, that sounds like something that Ben would do. But...what do we do now?

Vilgax: There's nothing much we can do now. We can surrender and die or fight till our last breath and die with honor.

Y/N: I choose honor.

Vilgax: So do I.

He responded as he pulled out his sword.

A growling laugh echoed through the black mist which captured us.

"You want to fight? Me? The Creator of the Omnitrix? Don't make me laugh!"

Y/N: Just let us go, we did nothing wrong!

"You dare tell me you didn't do anything wrong? You! The one who destroyed my greatest creation? And Vilgax, the one who used my own tool to capture me?"

Vilgax: What's wrong? Can't create another Omnitrix?

"This creation was a masterpiece which cannot ever be replicated."

Vilgax: That's for the better. We don't need a prison cell for innocent aliens.

"Who are you to talk about prisoners and morals, when you are the one who is conquering planets and killing millions?"

Vilgax: I did whatever it took to get to the Omnitrix. Nobody wanted to surrender its location to me, so I punished them for it. It's not something that I'm proud of, but I knew that if someone would release you, the damage would be way worse than me conquering some planets.

"I love excuses for genocide, they are truly entertaining, but I am curious though. Who managed to find the Omnitrix and bring it to this earth?"

Vilgax: Arasaka, they were the ones who found it and brought it to this planet before using people as guinea pigs to test it inside their shady labs. Y/N, Ben and Gwen were the three most successful test subjects who somehow survived their experiments.

A silhouette came out of the black mist, it looked like a very muscular man with two green, empty eyes and three horns on its head.

It walked up to me and examined me.

"You were a successful test subject? Hm, you don't look like much. Where are the other two?"

Y/N: I killed them.

"You killed them?"

It chuckled.

"Now that's interesting, weren't you guys some kind of friends? I heard shared trauma can bond very well."

Y/N: They made a deal with Arasaka behind my back, I couldn't let that betrayal slide.

"So you killed both of them?"

Y/N: I gave them multiple chances to surrender but they didn't listen.

"Killing you will rest so much easier on my consciousness now. Since I know that I will kill a murderer who killed his own friends."

Vilgax: He did the right thing, his only mistake was to destroy the Omnitrix, although I get why he did that, I would've done that as well if I didn't know the full story.

"I'm not surprised that a planet destroying, bloodthirsty conqueror supports a murderer, you two are very similar, although he hasn't reached your level of madness and bloodshed yet, Vilgax."

Vilgax: He's just a man who is protecting his planet, I can't blame him for doing that.

"But you would've slayed him if he stood in your way to conquer earth, wouldn't you?"

Vilgax: Not if he would've surrendered the Omnitrix to me.

"How about we have a little death battle right here and now? Entertain your master before you die."

Vilgax: I'm not your entertainer, X. You want to see a fight? Step up yourself.

This caused X to have a laughing fit.

I used this distraction to ask Vilgax something.

Y/N: Vilgax, could Zs'Skayr help us take X down?

Vilgax: He's the only one that could- how do you even know about him?

Y/N: He's inside me, I can release him.

Vilgax: Are you serious?

His facial expression got more serious than before as he stepped closer to me.

Y/N: Yes, he resurrected me after my fight with Ben.

Vilgax: If he leaves your body, you will die.

Y/N: I know and that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

He put his hand on my shoulder and nodded.

Vilgax: You're truly the bravest of your kind, Y/N. Thank you, I mean it.

He drove his sword through my chest and absorbed Zs'Skayr, capturing him inside his sword while gently laying my dead body to the ground.

"What? Oh, so you two did decide to have a death match, how smart of you, now, Vilgax, time for you to die-"

Vilgax teleported over to X and stabbed him through the chest.

Vilgax: Time for all of us to die!

He shouted as a bright explosion destroyed everything, us included.

"Welcome home, Y/N."

This brought a smile on my lips


The End

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