Chapter 3

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Max: Y/N, you can't just take the ship and leave them behind!

Y/N: I won't sit around and wait hours until your nephew finally wakes up, Gwen doesn't want to understand that we don't have the time for that.

Max: Doing this on your own is suicide.

Y/N: I was forced to have these powers, forced to carry this curse with me until I die, this moment cannot come soon enough.

Max: So you're not doing this to save our earth, you're doing this so you can get rid of your life...

Y/N: Either way I win, because I have nothing to lose anymore. Now, will you let me fly your ship or will I have to force you?

Max: You can have it under one condition.

Y/N: What?

I asked, annoyed.

Max: I'm coming with you.

Y/N: You wanna die?

Max: To protect our earth? Yeah, not even a question.

Y/N: Alright then, get in.

After a minute we managed to start the ship and were already in the air.

A few minutes later

Y/N: There it is, looks much bigger from this close.

Max: That's not a small ship, not at all. But it doesn't look like it belongs to Vilgax.

Y/N: Now, let's see if we can board it some-

A bunch of cables with claws attached themselves to our ship and pulled it closer to their gigantic ship.

"Surrender yourselves, lesser life forms and we will spare you the suffering that you brought upon yourselves."

A voice said through our communication system.

Y/N: Surrender? Hah, what a joke.

I laughed, touching the control panel of the ship to turn my skin into metal.

Y/N: Let's see who's gonna surrender now.

I shouted as I walked up to the gate of our ship, ready to storm theirs.

Max: Easy.

He mumbled as a red smoke surrounded me and brought me into a weird parallel world.

The whole place around me looked colorless and grey, it appears that I was inside a graveyard.

Uncle Max was standing on top of a stone building with a pole in his hands.

Y/N: You are not Uncle Max...

I mumbled as I watched him laugh at me and reveal his true was Hex.

Hex: You idiot, you really thought that this fat, useless uncle would come with you to save your world?

Y/N: What did you do to him?

Hex: I killed him, what else was I supposed to do?

Y/N: You killed an innocent man!

Hex: Nobody is innocent during war.

He explained, twirling his pole around with a smile.

Hex: I'm gonna enjoy killing you even more. With you gone, your little group has nobody left who actually has the guts to take action, which will make them fall.

Y/N: No Hex, you won't be the one to end our group.

Hex: Why not? It's not like you can do something about it. Besides, it's a two against one, in case I forgot to mention.

Background Player | Gwen Tennyson x Male Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora