Chapter 4

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"Hey Y/N, we need to go."

A gentle voice called for me which made me wake up.

Y/N: Charmcaster, did I fall asleep?

Charmcaster: I guess we both did.

She responded with a giggle, before adding something.

Charmcaster: And please, call me by my real name, Hope.

Y/N: That's a pretty name. Nice to finally meet the real you, Hope.

Her warm smile is the last thing I saw before we were teleported back into the real world.

Y/N: Alright, let's smash some heads in.

Hope: The creature we're fighting against is called Highbreed, its only goal is to destroy every species that he deems unworthy, which is pretty much every single species that doesn't belong to them.

The gate of our ship was slammed open and just as I was turning my skin into metal to demolish them, Hope cut them in half with one of her spells.

Y/N: Damn, now that's what I call efficiency.

Hope: It won't work on the main guy though sadly. His skin is too thick to cut through.

Y/N: We'll manage somehow.

We proceeded to rush through the corridors of this enormous ship, cutting through every ugly alien that came in our way until we finally arrived at the command center.

The main guy didn't say a word until all of his soldiers were dead, only then he finally turned around to face us, revealing his ugly, orange face.

Hope: Time to die, Highbreed.

Highbreed: You think I will go down like my soldiers? You really thought it's gonna be that easy?

Y/N: You alien uglies are all the same, very squishy and easy to cut through.

Highbreed: No inferior being would dare to talk about us like you do, now, what makes you so special?

Y/N: I dunno, maybe the fact that we killed your army?

Highbreed: I have hundreds of thousands soldiers back at home, I'm just one button press away from calling them over to this planet.

Hope fired a spell at the command table, destroying it and making it go up in fire.

Highbreed: This is not our only method of communication. And for this disrespect, you will die.

Hope: You do realize that Vilgax will slay you without our help, right?

Highbreed: Vilgax? Hah! He's a joke, an inferior being that thinks he's something special just because he has conquered some planets full of weaklings.

Hope: Then why are you too scared to face him?

Highbreed: Beings like us do not know fear.

Hope: It sure looks like you do.

Highbreed: He and his army had their shot of taking this planet and they failed miserably.

Hope: He's still here, in case you haven't seen the news recently.

Highbreed: He relies on other species for help to have a chance to win...that is pathetic. I know that there's only one obstacle in my way to conquer earth.

Y/N: Yeah, us.

Highbreed: "Us"? You mean you two?

He broke out in laughter before yelling at us.

Highbreed: You're pathetic! Both of you! The only one who could endanger all of Ben Tennyson, not him in particular but rather his toy...the Omnitrix. Now, that's a powerful tool and an obstacle indeed.

Y/N: Is that why you're too scared to fight him?

Highbreed: Just because he has a powerful tool, doesn't mean that he can scratch me in a fight. The only reason why he's not dead, is because I haven't found him yet.

Y/N: I know where he is.

Highbreed: I know. You're his partner after all.

Y/N: You know that I can tell you his location, right? We can make a deal.

Highbreed: Hm...what would you want in exchange for giving me his location?

Y/N: You take the Omnitrix and leave this planet alone.

Highbreed: That would be...not logical, I cannot allow your pathetic species to survive.

Y/N: You know what? I'm tired of negotiating with you, just fucking die!

I attacked him along with Hope but he just threw both of us back and laughed at us.

Highbreed: Look at how weak you humans are, how can anyone take you seriously?

Hope: Let's see if you'll laugh at that!

She shouted as she shot a few magic bolts at him, which did literally no damage to him at all.

Highbreed: Even your magic is weak, how disappointing. I want to show you something fun before I kill you, watch!

He pointed at the front glass of his ship, the cables that captured our ship brought it straight in front of the glass as if Highbreed wanted to showcase us something.

Highbreed: Now see how weak your technology is as well.

The cables forged into two huge metal hands and grabbed both ends of the ship before they began to slowly crush Uncle Max's ship.

Y/N: I got a little surprise for you as well.

I pulled out a detonator and pressed the button, which made the ship explode.

The explosion was so powerful that it ripped the front part of Highbreed's ship apart and caused a bunch of sharp metal pieces to fly into the ship through the opening that the explosion created.

Hope wasted no time and created a magic shield to protect us from all the sharp stuff that was coming at us.

After a few seconds, she made the shield disappear and we saw a heavily injured Highbreed, coughing and bleeding on his knees.

Hope: This is over Highbreed, you're done.

This is when we noticed that the ship slowly began to sink.

Y/N: Come on, let's finish this freak and get outta here.

Highbreed: You fools, I was the only one who could've protected you from-

Hope: Shut it!

She demanded as she punched her pole through his face and immediately pulled it out again to let him fall face first to the ground.

Y/N: One less scumbag to worry about.

Hope: That's right, now, let's get down from this ship.

She grabbed my hand while creating a bubble around us, which flew us out of the ship and allowed us to safely land on a rooftop.

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