Chapter 2

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Gwen: Something isn't right with him.

She stated as she was holding her hand above Wildmutt's head.

Y/N: I can see that, he's shaking like crazy.

Gwen: I will attempt to find out what's going on inside his head.

She explained as her eyes turned pink just like her hand.

Y/N: You're surfing around in his dreams and I'm left here waiting alone...great.

I mumbled, sitting down on the coach, knowing that this process will take some time.

Some time later

A knock on the door woke me up, looks like I fell asleep while waiting for Gwen to finish her thing.

Y/N: Who's there?

I shouted, too lazy to walk over to the door and check.

"It's me, Uncle Max."

This made me jump from the coach and skip over to the door immediately.

Y/N: Max, what are you doing here?

I asked after I ripped the door open and let him in.

Max: You guys didn't come to dinner and I wasn't able to reach you on your phones, then, I saw all these weird looking ships in the sky and that's when I knew something was up.

Y/N: Yeah, Vilgax is here. He wants our earth.

Max: He won't take it from us. We won't let him.

Y/N: Easier said than done, look what he did to Ben, he's been out for hours.

Max: Damn. Let's see if Gwen can wake him up again.

Y/N: She can, she always does.

Max: How are things going between you two?

Y/N: Recently? A bit complicated. Let's just say we have different views on some things.

Max: And that's okay, this is what makes us special, we're all different.

This turned into a deeper conversation about my relationship with Gwen until she came back to her senses with a groan.

Y/N: Gwen, you're finally back. Are you okay? How are you feeling?

I asked as I helped her stand up.

Gwen: You're alright, oh thank God!

She said out of breath as she hugged me.

Y/N: Of course I am, why shouldn't I be?

Gwen: I saw you...I saw terrible things.

Y/N: What did you see?

Gwen: I...I'll tell you later. Can you get me a glass of water or just something to drink?

Y/N: No question, just sit down first.

I responded as I freed myself from our hug and got her something to drink.

Gwen: Vilgax isn't alone this time. There are multiple forces who are attempting to take our Earth.

Max: Did you see which ones? There are plenty of aliens that don't particularly like our kind.

Gwen: I don't know their names, we've never fought against them.

Max: Well, that only makes things more complicated.

Y/N: Do you know if they're all on one team or separate?

Gwen: It didn't look like they were allies. Maybe some of them have an alliance with one another, but they're not one big team, that's for sure.

Y/N: We gotta find a way to kill Vilgax.

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