Farewells with a Promised Visit

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The Next Morning...

"Do take good care of yourself, Pidge. No blowing anything up, again" Shiro smiled as he looked towards the shorter women before him, most of the royals that lived further away had already been waved off and it was time for those on earth to get going due to the travel time. 

"You're not my Dad" Pidge playfully scoffed back as she rolled her eyes. 

"But I am your mother and If I learn you've blown up another section of the base-" Krolia started to say with an unimpressed frown towards her daughter before being quickly cut off. 

"I'll miss you" Pidge muttered back as she hugged Shiro, escaping Krolia's threat and wishing the human didn't have to return home just yet. 

"Not as much as I'll miss the pair of you. Expect word over us inviting you both for a stay on Earth" Shiro whispered as he hugged her back, knowing they haven't had much time to catch up or bond. 

"We'll look forward to learning of the dates we can stay" Keith perked up from where he stood with Adam, already having said his goodbye to the kings.

"We might even be able to gain enough permission to take you for a fly in our jets" James offered up from where he was already sat in the carriage, awaiting his brother and brother in law to hurry in already. 

"Please make James be the one to fly Keith. They are the jets with only two seats, right?" Pidge whispered as she leaned closer to Shiro, making sure only his ears would hear. 

"Our plan is already set in motion" Shiro promised with a grin, already making plans to give permission over his brother in law to fly Keith around the Garrison during their visit. 

"Best brother ever" Pidge smirked back as she hugged Shiro again, looking forward to the visit on earth even more now. 

"Do take care of yourself and I'll be expecting weekly video calls as always" Adam smiled as he ruffled Pidge's hair, glancing between both siblings as he'd expect to still hear from them weekly. 

Both Keith and Pidge just smiled as they nodded. Watching as Shiro and Adam smiled back before sharing their own smile to each other and finally getting into the carriage. All three royals waving the carriage away and knowing they'd be seeing each other soon enough. 

Antok, Regris and Kolivan hiding a yawn behind their masks while their three royals couldn't. All waiting for the last lot of royals to show up. All giving a pleasant farewell and waving them off as they've done to all the others so far. 

Pidge stepping away from where she stood with the three other blades after getting tapped on the shoulder and finding a shyly smiling Lance. Moving to the side with him and smiling up at him, glad she's able to say her own farewell to him before he leaves. 

Keith and Krolia not so subtly stepping closer to the three blade members and trying to listen in. All five actually listening in now while Thace and Ulaz delay the next lot of royals from coming down the stairs to buy them all time to hear whatever their ship may be speaking over. 

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