Prince of Deep Blue..

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Pidge couldn't help the grin on her lips as she stepped out to the balcony outside her room. When she was first given the room, she was amazed and thought it was a whole cottage itself and tried exploring it. Yet, after all these years it still amazes her and brings joy whenever she used different parts of the room. The balcony was nice, she and Keith had made a bench for it .. it wasn't stylish since they were just kids and wanted to make it before Thace and Ulaz stepped in to help with certain parts out of fear of the two dying or losing a limb. It was a good spot to watch the stars and also helped her reach the roof, well the rope left hanging from the roof mostly helped her up but the bench helped her climb up to the rope.

Inside her room was just as amazing, she had her own bathroom joint to the room, it wasn't huge but just fine for her. A little bath with a join shower tucked at one end with the sink opposite the door and the toilet the other end opposite the bath, It was small but friendly and still big enough for her or anyone to use without hitting the walls.

Of course the room itself seemed magical as well, a huge bed dead in the centre with fancy curtains draped around the top and just lovely purple wood that sometimes seemed to glow in the sun light. The bed it self was so comfy and either warm or cool depending on the cover she had on the bed. Of course, on the wall that held the door had the two huge wardrobes, only one actually used while the other was mostly where she hid her old projects or placed around scraps or tools she didn't use much. On the same wall the bed was pushed against, at the further end that joint the back wall with the balcony door had an old white wooden desk pushed in the corner. It was covered in tools and half finished projects along with lose tech and her tablets that held her notes. It was her work area and it was a right mess to anyone who wasn't her. She had a chest at the end of her bed for personal belongs she may wanted to put inside and she did. It her presents or things that grew important to her during her time in the Marmora Kingdom.

Another desk was pushed on the right wall, opposite the wall that held the bed. It was placed a little away from the bathroom door and held photo frames. The photos were from all different ages, while the blades didn't take many photos they did take some within their life. She had all different ones, some with just her and Keith. Some with just Keith and Krollia, some with all three of them in a sense of a family photo. She had a couple photos with Antok, Regris and Keith with herself pushed in. She even had photos with Thace, Ulaz and even Kolivan in and they were her precious treasures.

But for now, she was on a mission. Wearing her earth style clothes that were given to her as a gift for her birthday by King Shiro and King Adam when they took notice of how much she seemed to like the last pile of boyish earth they gave her when she stained her dress during a visit. Earth clothes were rather comfy and simple, she liked them a lot.

So, wearing her black shorts, her orange and white boots and a simple lime green polo top. She use to have a turtle neck but she grew out of it sadly and well Adam wasn't able to find another one like it for her to replace but she was fine with the simile earth clothes she had. It made swinging from balcony to balcony a lot more easier then with the simple dresses or town clothes, the shorts were too tight for her liking.

You see, her mission was to visit Keith. The royal guests all arrived at some point today making the first ball start tomorrow and having the week stay begin. Of course, today the other royals mostly settled in their rooms and did meet to eat together while Krolia greeted them. Keith just stayed silent beside his mom mostly.

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