A Private Dance

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Later that Night...

"I feel stupid" Keith groaned as he stared at his reflection, dressed in one of his bests for the ball tonight. 

"You look handsome. A true prince" Pidge complimented from where she sat on his desk chair, being here to support her friend. 

"I said I felt stupid not look it. I know I'm smashing, thank you very much" Keith huffed back as he playfully glared towards his friend who merely rolled her eyes. 

"You'll have a grand night" Pidge replied with a comforting smile as she stood herself up and headed over to her friend. 

"Not when I know you won't be there" Keith frowned as he looked to his little sister, wishing she would agree to come. He'd happily stall the ball for her to hurry and dress if needed. 

"I'm not brave enough to stand in a ballroom full of royals and stand as your sister publicly. Not with so many I don't know nor trust. I'd prefer to enjoy myself at a ball with my family and my closest friends" Pidge calmly explained her reasoning for not going, not completely lying to her brother over the real reason since she was never good being in a room full of strangers. 

"You don't trust all our guests" Keith mumbled back, glancing to the side as he couldn't blame her. He didn't fully trust them all either but he didn't want half of his family to be hidden like a dark secret either. 

"I won't call them friends. I'm as anti-social as you are. I won't enjoy a ball with so many unknown eyes on me at once" Pidge smiled back slightly, wiping none existing dust of her Keith's jacket. Not wanting him to worry over her tonight. 

"I understand. We'll hold a ball another day. One ball for all the blades members to join and those close to us. You'll feel more comfortable at the ball" Keith smiled back, giving a small nod over his plan for a smaller ball filled with those closest to them. 

"Maybe invite a few of the kingdoms new friends as well" Pidge offered up with a grin, knowing Krolia would be thrilled at them inviting friend's back for a private gathering. 

"I do believe Prince Hunk and Princess Shay would take well to learning you were my sister and not a maid. And we might as well invite Prince James sine we're inviting King Shiro and King Adam. I wonder who else we should invite to our own private ball?" Keith casually mumbled back as he headed for the door, glancing to the side as he purposely left out a certain name to see if a certain adopted sister would bring them up. Purposely ignoring his own cheated cheeks at the mention of James. 

"Lance would be a nice guest to invite. More so when Prince Hunk won't be able to keep the ball a secret from his childhood friend. As well as it would be nice to know I won't be the only person who lacks the graceful skill of dancing. I hear Lance isn't very good either even if he has practiced since a young age" Pidge shyly muttered back as the prince came to mind when she offered up for them to invite others to the ball outside of their kingdom. Using the excuse that she's heard that Lance was bad of a dancer as she would and it's help make the ball less embarrassing for her. 

"I'll speak to mom about it once the royal guests has left tomorrow. Will you come see them off to their awaiting carriages?" Keith promised as he reached his door, opening it up for them both to step out. Curious over if she'd be coming to wave the royals away as their carriages take them all to the landing zone where their ships would be waiting to collect them. 

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