Lady's Aide (Eugene AU)

Start from the beginning

Blood red cloak was draped over his dignified shoulders - the proud sigil of the noble family emblazoned vividly over its heart - and a shining silver half crown pinned over his soft, strawberry blonde hair, glimmering rose gold under the late afternoon sun.

"You look terrible. Like always..." He scowled as he approached your nearly broken form with careful footsteps. So careful it was almost as if he believed that his mere proximity would shatter you. "Why do you insist on staying when all it does is just make you hate yourself more and more each day?"

He pushed you slightly as he crouched down - taking your hand as he did - before taking out the apothecary's chest that he kept hidden underneath his cloak.

"Young master..." You could only whisper as you watched him treat your wounds with slow but practiced movements.

"Just Eugene..." He corrected you tersely with a clicking of the tongue.

He was always the one to treat your wounds whenever the harsh training of being a Lady's Aide breaks you. His silently compassionate and determined nature driving him so that his once clumsy and trembling fingers have now become so adept he could bandage you with his eyes closed.

Eugene always struck you as obstinate and vexing. Like wild rapids unyielding to the forces of nature around it. But it's this hardheadedness that got him treating you even after his parents and assistants told him not to.

"You should go back to your farm and just milk cows or whatever." He muttered bitterly and low. His vibrant amber irises fixated on suppressing the blood flow from your broken fingernails. His tender care making even the deepest cuts bearable.

If not for the ruthless words that flowed past his lips, you would not have flinched. "You're too weak to for this sort of job. You'll just die before you can even get close to cutting anyone. I don't want to be protected by someone like you."

His words pierced deep, slicing right through your heart. The coldness in them making the gentleness of his touch feel like a fever dream. Almost unimaginable.

"I know that!" You retorted with striking roughness that his beautiful caramel eyes flew towards you in disbelief.

You regret was you said instantly. He was still your master after all. And more than that he was caring for you. But you stood your ground and pulled your hand away timidly.

"I know I'm not strong. I didn't even think I'd be doing this when they hired me."

"Then why are you still here?!" He then asked with a sharp glower twisting his handsome features. "For what purpose are you trying so hard?! You should have given up the moment you found out they're going to make a soldier out of you!"

"Because I still want to be close to you." Your voice was soft and shy. It was all you can do not to curl up in a ball or run away. But you knew you had to tell the truth at some point. "Young master has always been so kind to me. Even if they say you're a fickle boy with ever changing moods."

"WHAT?? Who told you I'm a whiny baby?? As if I ever throw a hissy fit!" Eugene hissed raising his hands in disbelief, his glower deepening as his rage came out in waves.

You looked at him steadily, trying not to show any semblance of amusement at his exaggeration. "That's not what I said, young master..."

"They're basically the same!"

"They're not." You countered, cracking a small, beautiful smile that on any other day would have stopped the young man in his tracks. "You don't throw a hissy fit. You're just passionate and determined when it comes to the things you want. And also..." you stopped and looked at him - a sliver of seriousness casting over your tender face.

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