Undead (Harry)

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(Y/N2) - Basically your other name if you have one. So you can have both Harry and Zion. Lolol


"This is unbelievable..." One of the survivors sharply said, the fury in their voice made even more apparent by their glare. "Is it really your hobby to go and pick up strays?"

"It's hard for me to say this, but they're right..." Lawrence agreed with a soft frown, his latte brown eyes darting towards Harry before an uncertain smile found its way on his lips. "Can you please explain the reason behind this?"

"Umm..." The young man looked away, a tender look of contemplation imbued over his handsome face.


It was a few weeks before winter finally took hold over the region when he first saw you. During the time when the terminal days of autumn brought out the most joyful yet melancholic shades of yellows and oranges through a sea of fallen leaves and gradually slumbering flowers: a time when the season was exhibiting its beauty one last time before laying dormant beneath the frigid stillness.

Harry and Zion volunteered to check the vicinity of the high school building on one those mornings. Just as they had done dozens upon dozens of times in the past.

The task wasn't supposed to be any different from how it usually was. They knew everything that comes with it; including the requirement of being hyper-alert, cautious, and quiet.

They venture just outside the walls of the school building, take note of any changes regardless of how insignificant, gather anything useful that they can find, make sure all apertures are securely sealed or blockaded, and then head back in without attracting the attention of any nearby zombie.

Same old same old, as they say. As dangerous as it is.

But as Harry wandered near the edge of the building where the small outdoor lavatory was, the brightly shining midmorning sun cascading over the distant mountains attracted his attention to something neither him nor the others have noticed before. Far beyond a row of birch trees was a barn-like structure, one that seemed to have been used as a farm storage, standing solemnly in the middle of an overgrown field.

How come they never went there before?

Did no one truly ever see it?

Was it because it's a bit out of the way?

Or maybe the others figured visiting could be a fruitless waste of time considering that it's alone and dilapidated-looking anyway?

Whatever the case may be, it was obvious that no one from their group took the initiative to get a closer look at it before. And something about that fact piqued his curiosity strongly enough to want to pay it a visit; if only to satiate the rush of inquisitiveness that quickly enveloped him from seeing such an odd sight.

"Is there anything of value that we can take?" He thought to himself as his gaze washed over the structure for the umpteenth time, taking note the places he could run to or ways he could protect himself in case a zombie sees him.

There aren't a lot of trees... And there are no houses nearby. But if I ducked low and hide in the tall grass, I might just pull it off.

Confident in his idea, Harry rolled down his sleeves for extra security and tightened his grip on the crowbar he was holding - all but prepared to act out his plan. But then Zion noticed his preoccupation and tapped him lightly on the shoulder; staring him down with a mix of irritation and concern flashing over his face before gesturing him to follow back inside.

"Man, whatever you're planning to do, just don't." The frustration was unusually clear in the redhead's voice. "Running out there on your own is never a good idea. You never know when the zombies are gonna come out and no one's gonna be able to save you."

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