Lady's Aide (Eugene AU)

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It's probably bad. But I was gone for 2 years, so please show mercy.

I'll proofread later. Gotta sleep.


You remember it all too clearly. The day you arrived at the manor to serve as the new maid. You were young - almost too young for the job you would be working. But that made you all the more qualified to be the one doing it.

You're one of the new aides of the lady of the house. Your task is to be there for the young master, especially when no one else is around. For that, you will receive special training.

Back then, you weren't so sure what that 'special training' meant.

Would it include learning to multitask? Or maybe training to carry heavier loads? Perhaps learning to cook all sorts of dishes in order to suit the palate of your master and lady? Or could it be something more intangible like building patience, diligence and attitude?

All of the these were legitimate and honest possibilities. Tasks that involve serving your purpose right as one of the Lady's Aides - whatever that is.

After all, they did say you would be spending most of your time being in close quarters with the members of the noble family. You'll be their personal attendants.

Little did you know this was completely different from the kind of job you expected it to be.

No one could paint the visible shock that flew over your mellow features the day you were brought to the training grounds for your first day. How you received a sword and a gun instead of a broom or an apron. And how instead of being brought to the maids to learn how to clean, you were instead introduced to the family's most skilled retainers.

A Lady's Aide is not just any ordinary maid. She is a woman of boundless grace and unmatched ferocity. A warrior hiding behind the delicate nature of a lady.

As per your instructors, the goal is to develop you into a battle-ready soldier. To mould you into a dauntless warrior who would have no hesitations in laying down her life to ensure the safety of the lady and her children.

"The purpose is noble, the uniform is cute, and the title is undoubtedly regal, but..."

Everyday from then on was a living nightmare.

It was painful. It was hard. It was unreasonable.

Your body was forced to bend in all sorts of directions, pull in all sorts of ways, and break in every possible manner everyday, and then be expected live all over again just to suffer another one.

"What the hell did I sign myself into?!" You thought as your stared at your shaking hands - fingertips broken, bloodied, and numb from the endless hours of skills training out in the frigid stillness of the courtyard. Your breaths coming out in hard smoke-like puffs in the freezing early evening air as you rested on the snowy grass.

You would have quit right then and there.

Left everything in that eccentric, death trap of a manor behind and just returned home to be the farm maiden that you thought you were always meant to be.

But something broke the silence right as your misery pushed you to the point making a decision. Breaking your reverie like the multitude of times it has happened before.

"Hey... Your training's done?" A soft silvery voice with a hint of calm indifference abruptly took your attention, pulling your eyes to the entranceway of the courtyard where a beautiful young man was standing beside the rose riddled, white stone archway.

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