Gardenia (Lawrence AU)

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Don't judge me.

I love him.

And also, because this is for Mammon_The_Great. :3

(U/N) = University Name
(F/A) = Favorite Animal


You remember him back in college as the soft-spoken and sweet student council president that everyone liked and admired. He was brave and objective, never hesitating to speak up against the professors, and the university as a whole, should he ever sees unfairness being brought down upon his fellow students.

He was one of the few people who got your attention in a positive way, given your cynical disposition about everything, and believed firmly that he has all the attributes that make up a good leader - smart, perceptive, courageous, and independent.

He was a senior then and you were just starting as a freshman, and yet you admired him so much that, on his birthday, you sent him a white gardenia fastened behind a personalised card with a line saying, "Accept this as a token of my deepest respect and admiration for your hardwork."

That was the first and last gift you have ever given him, and you didn't even wait to see his reaction. You were shy and ran away as soon as he was within the same corridor so you could only hope that he appreciated present.

He graduated soon after and you never heard anything regarding his actual whereabouts. Some said he started working as an accountant in a high-end organization, while some claimed that he moved overseas to continue his studies. Either way, students were fairly certain he has achieved a lot since leaving the institute given his intelligence and skills.

None of you expected that he would choose to live a simpler life and start his own patisserie at the business district near your very own neighborhood.

Everyone was shocked - including you - knowing he could have achieved more if only he desired to. But unlike the others who felt as though it was a waste of his skills for him to pursue being a patissier, you were awestruck and was actually happy that he chose follow what he loved.

You did notice him express his fondness for sweets and pastries on more than one occasion. And you thought it was cute how he smiles brightly whenever a new cake design was displayed in the university café.

You wanted to express your support for the young man, regardless of whether or not he remembers you, and went to his shop as soon as your morning classes were over. Your sister also loved pastries after all, and it wouldn't be entirely for a selfish reason if you came to visit.

He was surrounded by girls, both college and high schoolers, when you arrived and they all gawked at him like he was some sort of celebrity.

Though you found it laughable how the customers seemed to focus on the patissier more than the display and the menu, the whole scene didn't really surprise you. Even back then he had such a charming personality and liking him was as easy as getting drenched in downpour. He was also handsome, tall, and carried a courtly demeanour that you had to admit was a rare occurrence in this day and age. Pairing those attributes with his enticing aura and the fact that he loved sweets and you get a boy that's popular with ladies of all ages.

Seeing how the young man would probably be busy for the next hour or so, even with the help of an assistant pastry chef, you decided to wait for a while and took a look around. There were a lot of things that you could entertain yourself with anyway, especially since there were books and puzzles that you could take from the shelves freely in order to pass the time.

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