Carnation (Eugene AU)

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Hello... This one's for Foxyrocky623 because I offended her by not choosing the Cat Spirit for Eugene. Lol.

My sincerest apologies. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


The school auditorium was filled with the mixed noises of both the applause and loud cheering of the audience as the last piano piece ended masterfully and flawlessly.

It was the first that Eugene has performed in front of a large crowd since the music festival of the previous year and he felt his heart swell at the realisation that more and more people are taking notice of and appreciating the wonder of his compositions. He was even approached by a conductor that worked as a professor in one of the universities that he was considering for his music career and promised him a spot if he would make an appearance in one of the events that the said university was preparing.

The night would have been perfect if it wasn't for one problem: you.

He doesn't like you and he never will - or at least that's what he says. And the way that he has emphasised that in more ways than one allowed you to know that he meant every last word.

You were popular at school because of your breathtaking beauty and because you came from a wealthy family whose influence stretched far across the nation. You were also smart and skilled and able to pass your subjects without even trying. Your dilligence in your studies paired with your appalling humility made you look so perfect in the eyes of everybody.

Eugene clearly had nothing to hate you about, and he had to admit that, at first, he liked you as much as the other guys did. But then he found out about your prowess in music that far exceeds any other composer he knew - including himself - and started hating you when you made it seem like such a skill and passion can only pass as a 'hobby' and nothing else.

Never has he been more insulted as the day you told him, "Music isn't for everybody."

You played for fun, sang for fun, composed for fun, and arranged for fun, while he had to work hard to hone his abilities because it was his dream to become a musician. He realised that you were a stark contrast of one another and started seeing you as this bratty kid who has no appreciation for the gift that most people would give everything to have.

The long and the short of it was that he hated you for wasting your talent and believed you were mocking him and every other person who dreams to pursue a career in music.

So why was it that for every single time that he would perform, you would be in the audience, at the front row even, watching him with a bright smile on your face?

Was that to ridicule him? To see with your very own eyes how futile his endeavors were? Or was it because you have ran out of exciting things to do at your fancy mega mansion that you've settled with watching him to pass the time? He doesn't know, but he hated seeing your face.

"What are you doing here, woman?" he asked once he stepped foot at the back stage and saw you with your usual devilishly beautiful grin that on any other occasion would have made him blush.

He passed you by without batting an eyelash, thus making it seem as though his question was just a form of acknowledgement to your presence, given that everyone gathered around you like you were a precious art piece as soon as your figure appeared from within the noisy crowd.

His coldness never ceased to hurt your feelings but you were determined nonetheless to get closer to him and possibly explain why you said what you said.

You sincerely liked the blonde and his taste in music, for he reminded you so much of your late grandfather whose style and genre closely resembled his.

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