🌴 - Wawanakwa Gone Wild!

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We were all walking somewhere. I was half awake, so I couldn't hear Gwen. "I'm so tired." I complain. I turned around to see Owen caught up in a tree.

We all walked to Izzy. "Wasn't there just a 300 pound bag of joy talking to you?" Gwen asked Izzy. "I'm only 296! Someone set a trap."

A cage came flying from above us and trapped us. "Or two!" Owen said. "GOOOOOD morning campers! Or should I, trappers? Ready for todays challenge?" Chris asked us. We all gasped when we saw him holding a knife.

"Excellent. Then let's chat about it over chow, shall we?" Chris walked off to the cafeteria. "He's coming back to un-trap us right?" Owen asked. Chris threw the knife at the rope Owen was being hung up on.

He fell on our cage, which opened the door. We all walked to the cafeteria so we could hear about or first challenge. We had this white slop, the same thing we've been eating since day 1.

"Campers there are only eight of you left on Total Drama Island. After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only seven of you will remain. We're nearing the end people, so look alive!"

//I don't think my chances of winning are too high. Izzy was an audience favourite, Gwen and Leshawna are great people to win, Owen and Geoff are the funnest alive. Duncan? Okay yeah maybe not him. But me? I'm pretty boring.//


"Todays challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens. You'll each have eight hours to trap an animal." Chris began to explain. "Got one!" Duncan said while holding Owen's arm.

"A wild animal. Which you must bring back to the campfire...unharmed. Rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good. And the good of campers." Chris said.

I noticed Leshawna and Geoff fighting over that white slop. It was stretchy. Ew. "For my own good? I might have to barbecue my animal. I'm starving to death." Gwen said. The white slop Leshawna and Geoff were fighting over broke in half and they fell down.

"Funny you should mention that Gwen. Reward for winning todays challenge, is a meal of all of your favourite foods!" Chris says.

"Oh i'm l winning this, I physically can't anymore." I say. "I am so winning." Heather says.

//This white slop tastes like throw up. I need to get better food.//


We arrived at some boat house. Chris had a had with paper inside. "Everyone! Choose an animal assignment."

Owen picked the first one. "Chipmunk."
Leshawna picked the second. "Frog."
Duncan picked the third. "Raccoon."
I picked the fourth. "Rabbit."
Gwen picked the fifth. "Duck."
Geoff picked the sixth. "Beaver."
Izzy picked the seventh. "Deer yes! Bag of the doe."
Heather picked the last. "Bear!? Are you kidding me."

"It's the only animal left." Chris said. "These degenerates get cute little froggy and wee baby ducky and innocent tiny rabbit and i'm supposed to trap a bear with my bare hands!?" Heather complained.

"You do get 60 seconds in the boathouse to gather any equipment that might help." Chris said. "Unless there's an animal trainer and a zebra carcass in there, I don't think it'll be adequate. This is ridiculous." Heather walked off.

"I don't think i've mentioned the penalty yet." Chris said. "I don't care! I'll take it." Heather said.

"Loser cleans the communal washrooms." Chris said. Oh gross! Trapping a rabbit doesn't seem to hard. But poor thing. "Alright campers, one minute in the boathouse to grab your critter catching gear."

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