Baby mode

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Just a couple weeks ago, Alex couldn't get norma to be productive. Now when she needs to relax Alex can't get her to sit down for more than five minutes.

Ever since her baby scare with Norman, Norma realised just how little time she had to get everything ready for baby girls arrival. Sure; they had the essentials. Clothes, diapers, bottles.. but Norma had come to the conclusion that since this was {most likely} her last baby, she wanted every moment to count. And if that means buying a scary amount of stuffed animals, then that's exactly what she's going to do.

Alex is guilty for being the exact same. He got all of the best things for baby unicorn. He spent a week researching about different cribs which would be the best to get. Although Norma found it a small bit excessive, at least she knew that baby unicorn would be comfortable, that's gotta count for something.

Norma spent most of her time sitting on the couch, reading one of those "what to expect when you're expecting" books that Alex got it for her back when she was still in her first trimester. She never really meant to read it, but she got so bored during her "miserable phase" (which Alex very politely named) that she read it. Even though she was pregnant twice before, she actually found some stuff out. (who knew that your heart actually grew during pregnancy?)

"Alex? Can I please come in?!" She calls through the door to the nursery. Alex has been working non stop all day to finish the room, and strictly banned Norma from going inside. Of course this irritated her, but at the same time she couldn't stay mad. Specifically because she knew that she would cry every time she imagined baby girl sleeping in her crib, or wearing her wide selection of clothes, or even just staring at the stuffed animals which will most definitely be scattered around the room.

"No!" He insisted. "You stay out there and find something better to do than ask me the same question every five minutes."

"Okay.." she reluctantly answers. She looks down at her swollen stomach, smiling softly as she stroked her fingers off the top. "Only a month left, sweetheart. I hope you sleep through the night, I don't think I can't handle your father with anything less than his eight hours."

"I heard that!"

"Yeah, yeah.. keep doing your job honey."


The rocking chair was definitely Norma's favourite part of the nursery. She could sit in it for hours if she wanted to, just staring outside the window. The chair wasn't in the nursery at the moment, since Alex didn't want it in the way. So he kept it in the living room instead. Norma kept it right at the window, where Norma could stare outside the window while reading or preparing some baby stuff (mostly just clothes, Alex swears Norma bought hundreds). Her favourite moments was where she would stare outside to her motel down below, feeling the small baby kick her stomach was a feeling she could never get sick off.

She watched the rain trickle down the window, rocking softly on her chair. She kept a hold of a pink pacifier, a sudden feeling of warmth rushing into her body. She felt at peace, like a huge weight had been lifted off her back ever since she told Norman about the baby. Even if it wasn't the best news, or had the best ending, it seemed that there wasn't much stress on her anymore. And that was something she enjoyed.

A sudden knock at the door disrupted her peace. She got up from the rocking chair, answering the door. Emma was there, smiling softly with her hands joined together in a polite manner.

"Emma!" Norma beams. "Come on in!"

Emma immediately stepped inside, taking off a light cardigan which she had on. Despite it being the beginning of September, it was still hot outside. Being pregnant with hot weather wasn't a good idea, and Norma had quite literally just been going around with Alex's pajama shorts and one of his t-shirts on the past week. Alex didn't like that, of course, but either way Norma didn't really care.

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