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The sun beams through the windows through Norma's bedroom on that bright, sunny day. The curtains that (unsuccessfully) covered the window leaving a dark yellow tint throughout the room. Norma awakens from her deep slumber, yawning as she did so.

She looked to the left side of the bed, noticing Alex wasn't there. Not that it was strange, it was just that Alex would wake her up before he leaves for work in the mornings. Oh well, Norma should probably get up and get started with the day she had ahead of her.

She just manages to crawl out of her bed. stumbling to her vanity table, sitting down on the chair as she looked at herself in the mirror. She rubbed her eyes with a groan as she noticed she smudged mascara just under her blue eyes, she's always been forgetting the little things such as taking off her makeup, especially with so much being on her mind.

She finally stood up, walking to her closet to pick out an outfit out of the four that currently fit her. She stared into the full body mirror, running her hands down her body. Beginning at the neck of her nightdress, then slowly going down to the round bump where her flat stomach would normally be, then ending at the bottom of her thigh. As she contemplates the changes happening to her body, she sighs deeply and places her hands carefully in the middle of her stomach, making sure to be gentle. thoughts fill her head that she cannot express in words, just anxiety.

So much has happened to norma within the last six months. Just as she finished leaving Alex on that cold, miserable December night, she only remembers Norman coming into her room to comfort her in such a weakened and lonely state. She remembers falling asleep and then waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for air as Alex held her fragile body, sobbing uncontrollably.

That's all she remembered from that night, her mind must've made her forget the rest. She remembered the harsh words directed at Alex, Alex still being overwhelmed with the guilt of leaving norma with Norman, especially given how unwell he knew he was. But no matter what, Alex stayed by Norma's side. Even though she made it clear the first couple weeks right before she found out she was pregnant that "it was a one time thing and there's no chance of anything ever happening again". But she couldn't find it in her heart to stay mad at her for attempting to send Norman back to Pineview given the circumstances, right? He only wanted what was best for Norma after all. Even if that involved sending your own step son back to the mental hospital without his own mother knowing.

Norma had finished getting ready, her short, curly hair nicely combed back with Norma's favourite white dress with blue flowers on. It was her favourite dress, even if it was a little tight Norma didn't mind. She did insist to get every last wear she could in it after all.
She was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, humming to an old tune on the radio as she did so. But apart from that the entire house was silent.

Norma heard the door creak open as she looked through the kitchen door to just where she could see the hallway. Alex was standing there, a coffee cup and a white paper bag in his hand. He came in smiling, that smile fading away a with a sigh of defeat when he heard Norma cooking eggs in the kitchen.

"Hey Alex." Norma smiled, greeting him in the hall.

"I kinda was planning to surprise you." Alex chuckled, handing Norma the white paper bag as he sipped on his coffee. "I bought you the jam ones, your favourite."

"Awh Alex, that's so sweet!" She smiled, squealing when she opened the bag to see two jam doughnuts inside. Alex was right, they were one of Norma's biggest cravings at the moment. So one could guarantee whenever Alex heads on down to work and the other sheriffs have some doughnuts, they had to give atleast two for their favourite lady.

"No coffee?" Norma pouted, noticing only one coffee cup in his hand.

"Absolutely not." He smiled as Norma whined, which always made him laugh.

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