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As soon as Norma called him, Alex went into
panic mode.

Alex was frantically rushing to the hospital, his heart pounding and his mind filled with fear. His mind was racing at a gazillion miles an hour - what if something goes wrong? What if he can't get there in time? What if something happens to her or the baby? He had to be there, he had to be there for her. Every second counted, and every mile felt like an eternity of waiting that he could not bear.

"No, no." "Nothing will happen to the baby, it's fine." He tried to convince himself, although to it didn't really work.

"My wife is Norma bates, she got admitted earlier today!" Alex busted through the hospital doors, charging over to the front desk. He made a scene while doing so, but that didn't matter. None of it mattered. If Norma really was losing their baby, the least he could do is be by her side.

"Room 103." The nurse promptly informed him, her face stoic. But before she could even finish speaking, Alex was gone.


He rushed down the halls of that hospital. every staircase, every room, even every patient just reminded him of norma. How scared she probably was, scared that she lost this baby. Alex took a breath to calm himself down, so he could finish his task and get to his wife. But he still managed to wipe a couple of tears as he ran around the hospital in a panic.

And then, there it was. Room 103.

Alex opened the door in an instant. Norma was on an exam table, she had been crying, Alex knew it. Her cheeks were more rosy than usual, her nose a bright red colour. She looked up at Alex with bloodshot eyes, immediately sighing with relief as a couple more heavy tears left her eyes.

"Thank god." She muttered, hugging her husband tighter than ever before as soon as he got close enough.

"Norma- what's happening?" Alex asks, his mind in a panic.

"I was spotting right after I finished-"

Her own mind interrupted her.

Is this her fault?

All those times Alex stopped her from doing normal things, he was just trying to keep her and the baby safe. But as soon as he left for work for the first time in a couple of weeks, she just had to clean the house and motel. Not to mention gathering up all of Norman's things. That's a lot of moving around, inhaling unsafe chemicals and stress for anyone, but a pregnant woman? Norma definitely brought this on herself, atleast that's what she thought.

"Oh god." She sobbed, her tears flowing down her cheeks and landing on Alex's work uniform.

"It's okay. I'm right here, it's okay." Alex whispered, kissing her tear stained cheek.

"This is all my fault!" She sobbed.

"What? No it isn't-"

"Yes it is! I was cleaning all day and- I tried to get rid of all Norman's things and now-"

Alex placed his pointer finger on her lips to get her to calm down.

"Shh." He whispered. "You shouldn't have done all that Norma. But no matter what happens, absolutely none of this is your fault."

"But what if it is?"

"It isn't,  In no way it is. It's gonna be okay."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Alex gulped, although he never liked keeping promises he could guarantee.

When the doctor came in with a serious face (but not a face that indicates anything bad) both distressed parents were way more than relieved.

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