Decisions Are Made

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On Point

A Dance To Remember!

By Rena Rouge

When we think Adrien Agreste (22) couldn't shock us anymore, he comes out and does one more thing.

At the Christmas gala for underprivileged children, the attendees were treated to quite the special performance. Adrien attended alongside partner Marinette Dupain-Cheng (19) and her parents, the owners of the 'T&S' Boulangerie in the centre of Paris.

Witnesses say the performance was in another league, and that the spirit of Christmas, complete with hope and love, was delivered on the stage for all to see. If the rave reviews are anything to go by, the Agreste Christmas Gala is about to take its pride of place, once again, as Paris' number one event.


"What the hell was that? Are you trying to embarrass me?" Once again, Gabriel Agreste greeted his son by throwing a tablet in his face.

What the hell had he got under his skin this time?

"Good morning father. How are you today?" Adrien smiled up at his father, knowing full well it was going to annoy the older Agreste.

"Don't give me that, Adrien, I swear you're just out to embarrass me at the moment, and to embarrass my company."

Adrien looked down at the iPad and what had gotten his father so irate. He tapped the centre of the screen and a video started to play, a video from the previous night. He watched as himself and Marinette moved around on the small stage. They looked really good together and, considering it wasn't a well rehearsed routine, he was impressed by the outcome.

They looked amazing. Their bodies just blended into one as they moved from position to position, a dance which seemed to have been created just for them. He watched as they looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel like he was intruding on a private moment. The eye contact between the two of them was intimate and organic, nothing seemed fake or prepared. Beautiful!

Adrien looked up at his father and remained silent. He didn't see anything wrong with this, in fact, he thought a lot of it was right – and the children loved it.

After walking Marinette back to her apartment the previous night, he was on cloud nine. He'd already arranged with Tom and Sabine when he could next come and when he could help at such an event again. Apparently it wouldn't be until the new year, but Adrien wanted them to message him straight away so he could get it in his diary.

Marinette's parents were wonderful, and he'd had the time of his life with them.

It had been ages since he'd laughed until his sides hurt. It must have been at least two years ago, way before his mother had grown sick. The way Tom and Sabine had included him had swelled his heart, and for the first time in a long time he felt like someone. Only adding to the way he felt when he was with Marinette.

He couldn't deny it anymore, he was so jealous of Luka. Marinette was incredible. From the way she could trip over her own feet and it not faze her, to the way she cared for him enough to pull him out of his self deprecating thoughts. She knew him better than anyone, and in a matter of months she'd become almost everything to him. He loved going to the studio now, and he loved dancing again, something he never thought would happen. He just couldn't help but wish they could be more than just partners.

"Have you read the comments father? They liked it! The audience liked it!"

Gabriel shook his head. "You don't get it, Adrien. We are a ballet company. This type of thing cannot be linked to our standards."

Off PointeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora