Chapter 1: Result Day and Trip

Start from the beginning

Raina instantly clicked and I buried my face in the pillow, I didn't wanna see their disappointed faces if I didn't get in. 5 minutes passed and I saw their sad faces, I knew by now that I didn't get in so I asked "what happened?"

"Nothing" said Raina.

"Dumbo, I asked about my result, you saw it, now tell me." I said sternly but with a half melted face.

"You passed and YOU'RE GOING TO NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FASHION TECHNOLOGY, woohoooo" said Anaysha and Vanya together and I can clearly see their proud and happy faces.

My parents entered and they didn't need answers, they already know, they nodded and left. I expected better reactions but its okay, they'll come around eventually. My friends noticed my reaction and Anaysha threw Raina down the bed which made me laugh. Raina stood up with a dangerous reaction enough to kill her and she started beating her, it made me laugh but I still can remember those conversations.

"Okay okay, let me go and call Aditya to tell this news." said Anaysha. We hummed.


"Mummy mummy, I am done with my board exams" Nysa said and came to sit on the couch.

"How was it?" asked her mother who smiled.

"Very good, I'll probably get more than 97 today" said Nysa cheerfully.

"Oh, amazing but now you have to focus on CUET and get into your favourite college" said her mother not knowing that Nysa's face colour changed.

"I am not going to give cuet" murmured Nysa looking down.

"What did you say?" her mother asked unclear of what she listened.

"I don't want to become someone who won't be me anymore, just parts of me. I want to do something that interests me and I can see my life happy and content with it. I want to live my life on my own terms." Nysa said all of it in one breath of what she's holding back for a few months.

"I don't get it, what happened suddenly? Is it your nonchalant friends or what who fed all that in your head?" Asked her mother standing up.

"Don't come to my friends, they surely supported me in my decision but it was me who realised all of that on my own and I just can't ruin my life because of what you want." Nysa sounded rude, she knew but she had to say it.

"Do whatever you want to do, I just can't with you. Tell you father all that on your own" her mother went downstairs not taking her behaviour anymore and being completely done with it.

Nysa didn't care, she was used to it. She knew her papa would understand and surely support her.
The sole reason her papa was her favourite among all because he never stopped her from doing anything, he surely was protective like any other father but never controlling.

Nysa explained him the plans she made for herself and he supported her wholeheartedly. Although, her mother continuously tried to detach that thought from her mind but she being firm in her decision, nothing could have stopped her now.


My father organised an appreciation party if that's what you call it and ofcourse, I was the main character.

I invited all of my friends Anaysha, Vanya, Raina, Aditya, Rohan and Ritik and they all were so happy for me. I got ready with my girls and we all wore pretty dresses of our favourite colours.

I wore a lavender dress, Anaysha wore a blue dress, Vanya wore a peach dress and Raina wore a white dress. These were perfect for today's party bash and we were so excited for our planned trip.
Yes, you heard it right, we were going to Manali and Shimla as who knows when we all are gonna meet again. Although we girls are going to the same University but the boys are not gonna come with us that saddens me but I am relaxed that atleast I won't be alone.
We met the boys downstairs and they acted like they got a heart attack which flattered Raina and Anaysha but not me and Vanya because we knew it was straight up sarcasm.

We enjoyed and bid good byes to our parents for the night and decided to go for a long drive because why not? Our destination was clear and we just needed a break from everything to buckle up ourselves for the new chapter of our life.
We screamed in the car, danced on the empty streets of Jodhpur and did everything to enjoy the last pages of this chapter which we never wanted to end but that's life and we need to open new chapters to move on with it.

I came home at 12 and went straight to my room. I changed into my pyjamas and dozed off. It was still 5 days to the trip so I didn't worry much about packing my luggage. I have Anaysha anyway.

5 days passed and it was finally the day where we all were ready to enjoy our 7 days trip to one of the most beautiful city in India- Manali.

We chose the option of train because what's more fun than playing games and laughing our stomachs out together for 15 hours straight.

It was morning when we reached the Manali station and Raina was nearly able to open her eyes. She laid her head on Rohan and dozed off. It was early and chilly and me being the most cold intolerant person took out two buffer jackets and wore them.

Everyone laughed at how bulky and buffy I looked but who cares.

Someone suggested to get coffee and I mentally kissed that person for such an amazing suggestion.

We came first to a cafe and gave our orders. We all were wearing earplugs and you can't imagine how aesthetic we all were looking in only three tones of black and brown straight out of pinterest. We took autos for our way to our resort and everyone was feeling drowsy.

We had two rooms, one was a master bedroom with two beds for the four of us and the other was for the boys. We really measured all the alternatives while planning, commerce really does have the effect on us and this was the cheapest we could get.

Everyone slept as soon as they entered the room and Vanya was the first who woke up after 2 hours. She was surprised to see the view outside and literally jumped for us to see that. Anaysha was really annoyed because who dared to disturb the sleepyhead of the group but as soon as she saw what was there, she rushed with her phone and started clicking pictures.

Raina literally dragged all of us out our rooms and took us outside to enjoy the snow. The weather was chilly but it didn't matter when we all were smiling ear to ear on the first snow of our trip.

These are the moments where I feel immensely grateful for the life I have and mentally praise all my friends for always just being there for me. If not for them, I don't know what would have-- no, don't go there, enjoy the moment while it lasts.
Anaysha started vlogging and I too joined her. We four girls love vlogging while the boys were looking at us laughing because we looked no less than the Olaf.

"Shutup Aditya, look at yourself, you look like one of the reindeers of Santa Claus and Ritik, you toh always look like buffalo but see see, you just morphed into an oax." Said Vanya.

All of us laughed. Atleast we were the cooler versions of snow characters unlike the nasty boys.

We moved into our rooms and got ready for the day. We girls coordinated our outfits so we were looking like the ultimate girl group.

We got out and saw the boys who looked pretty good, let me tell you they are handsome but we just can't never see them in any other way than friends. They are literally like our brothers who would do anything for us and this is mutual.

"You guys look meh" I said. They gave me their famous offended looks. Rohan being overdramatic laid on the floor and begged for a little appreciation.
You can understand how easy and amazing it is to just be with them and enjoy life.
We wandered through the streets, ate manali food, Vanya took us shopping and we all bought something for ourselves and our family.

We definitely clicked photos and I instantly posted them on Instagram. It was night so we went back to the resort and ate. Boys decided to go out but us girls decided to watch Gilmore Girls because again, why not?

We ordered pizza, cokes and snuggled close to each other to watch the series.

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