21|Bittersweet Moments

Start from the beginning

"Pack, now!" he said with frustration in his tone.

"But what about our honeymoon?" I asked. "We still have a few days left."

"Emilia!" he shouted. "Just do as I say."

I threw my pillow at him. "Get out!"

He chuckled as he watched he watched the pillow next to him on the ground. That chuckle was not filled with joy, it was filled with annoyance.

I held my breath as I waited for his next move.

"You better be outside in ten minutes," he said before storming out.

When the door slammed, I finally took a breath as I got out the bed and opened my suitcase.

Tears filled my eyes as I began to pack. I didn't want to leave.

There were still so many places I needed to explore and I didn't want to return to those suspicious masked guards.

I got ready and changed into my long, white fitted dress with light blue flowers on it. I had planned on wearing it on our scheduled day to go back but I guess today will have to do.

On top of all this, my head was still killing me.

I dragged my suitcase to the door before opening it to find him texting away on his phone in the middle of the living room.

"Good, you're ready," he said before he looked up took up his suitcase, and walked to the door. "Let's go."

I rolled my eyes before following him to the car.

He put both of the suitcases in the trunk before we got in the car and took off.

He stayed in a tense silence for a while before he spoke up.

"About last night," he started and I had flashbacks of last night as I looked out the window. "Forget about what happened."

I turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Which part? You grabbing my ass, telling me you killed your people, or us cuddling to sleep?"

His hands tightened around the steering wheel.

"All of it," he answered and I somewhat felt hurt. "Forget about this whole trip. I think it's best we go back to enemies, don't you think?"

I turned back to face the window. "Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking."


I played with my fingernails as we drove into his estate.

The flight was long and I was tired. It was already nighttime and I was ready to go to bed.

"Send me his number and I'll give him a call," he said as he rubbed his forehead.

He has been on the phone nonstop since we landed.

I wasn't sure what happened exactly but from what I gathered something had gone wrong with at Valentino.

"Fine, I'll call him in the morning instead," he said as he hung up the phone.

We hadn't spoken to each other since our last conversation.

I was angry.

He started opening up to me and giving me a chance to know him before he switched up on me.

I actually thought we would go somewhere in this marriage. Maybe we could've been friends.

The car slowed down in front of the mansion.

This was a bittersweet moment for me. I had actually missed this place. The large, modern infrastructure and getting to be in charge of my household made me miss it.

However, I didn't miss the coldness of this place. That eerie feeling I got whenever I was alone and the weird glances I got from the guards.

The worst thing of all is that I won't have delicious meals anymore.

I hated Santo for that. He took away the remaining days I had to savor those mouth-watering meals.

He could've left me if he had to go back so urgently.

My cooking will never live up to what I ate on our honeymoon.

We stepped out of the car and one of the guards opened the trunk to collect our bags.

His phone rang again and he answered. "Dante, where are you?"

He sighed as we started walking towards the front door. "Okay, I'll see you first thing in the morning."

He opened the door and turned to me. "Emilia, it's late. I think you should get some rest."

"Santo," I said as I walked inside. "We need to talk."

"About what?" he asked as he closed the door. "I think we already finished any conversations we needed to have back in Fiji."

"What's going on?" I asked. "What is so important that we had to leave?"

He opened his mouth to answer but someone stopped us.

"Santo, you're home," a woman's voice stopped us and we both turned to face her.

She looked a bit mature, probably in her late twenties or early thirties.

"Lucia, what are you doing here?" he asked as she walked up to us.

"Dante, called me and told me what happened so I came here to see if I could help with anything," she explained as she started touching his chest. "I've been going through your invoices all day."

He looked at me before clearing his throat and removing her hand from his chest. "It's getting late, I think you should leave and continue tomorrow."

"Why?" she asked confused. "I can just spend the night here."

"Lucia, you can't stay here," he made it clear.

She raised her eyebrow. "Why not?"

"I'm married now," he said sounding very uncomfortable.

He turned to me. "Emilia, you should get some rest. We had a long flight."

"What about our conversation?" I asked.

"It's over," he said sounding dismissive as always. "Go."

"I should've never talked to you on the honeymoon," I spat before walking up to the bedroom.

The only thing I missed from this room was the soft king-sized bed.

All I wanted to do was fall back on that bed and go to sleep. I was so tired that I didn't have time to think about that woman downstairs or Santo's shitty mood swings.

I just wanted to sleep.

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