7 》A Few Years Later ....

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"And the winner is .... Sihnion!"

Cheers burst from the arena's bleachers, and I stare down at the sandy floor, ignoring the cheers as I turn my back and walk away from the arena, heading through the small door and into the small, narrow tunnel that takes me away from it. I head into the waiting room, where I wait for my next fight.

I curl my wings around myself, removing the wrappings that I had around my wrists and hands. I sigh with relief as my wrappings fall from my bruised and bleeding knuckles. I drop them into the can, and turn, beginning to wash them. I hear the soft sound of Vilkas's footsteps, and I turn.

He smiles and kisses me passionately, caressing my face with his hand. His hands are not smooth like they once were, but now they're a bit rough. Calluses are there on his fingers and the heel of his hand. He gently kisses me, his lips pressed against mine and his other hand pulling me against his warm, strong body. My wings uncurl, and wrap around him. He chuckles as I do this.

We are lucky to have each other, and even though it isn't exactly something that the people who captured us know of, I have not been broadcasting the truth yet. Neither has he. He and I are kinda like a secret, and Vilkas and I are both as close as can be, despite everything.

"I love you," he says so softly, I wonder if he even realizes he spoke it aloud.

"I love you, Vilkas," I whisper back.

He smiles, then says, "Love, we're being listened to."

I whirl around. The person who comes around the corner, slowly, so slowly, is Rydel, a Qharci, with tan skin that covers severely sharp features, black eyes, and messy, white hair. I see them step closer to me, a dark look on their face.

They sneer at us, and speak in a deep, gruff voice.

"Well, well. What do we have here? A pair of you have decided to get together. How cute."

"Rydel," I say. They are another prisoner, and they are not friendly.

Rydel steps closer to us, their pitch black eyes staring down at us. "You two are so fucked."

"No," I snap, unfurling my wings and spreading them before Vilkas, who is growling. He is ready to morph into the wolf-like form he has, but before he can, Rydel turns and runs.

"No!" I cry, and run after them.

Vilkas runs ahead, morphing so fast that I can't even see his whole transformation, before he runs after the beast. I run after him, knowing I have to stop him. I have to protect him. I cannot lose him.

"Vilkas!" I cry.

Rounding a corner, I freeze, my heart stopping in my chest so fast that I can't breathe. My chest aches. I stare straight ahead. Because there, staring down Vilkas and I, is none other than the Daendir who runs the place, Calymine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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