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It's probably around lunch time already, when Jin flutters his eyes open

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It's probably around lunch time already, when Jin flutters his eyes open. The headache is back right when he's conscious, faded to a faint ache as he stared at a fast asleep Jimin snuggled into him.

He sighs shakily, he hates being a mess, especially in front of his members, but that's exactly what he has done. He wants to run away, the embarrassment is so big he can't stand it.

But Jimin is still holding onto him, and Jin just doesn't want to let the younger down anymore than he already has. So he waits for Jimin to wake up.

He wonders if someone came by to check in, he hopes not because he's probably looking like a mess too. Jimin stirs right on time, as his stomach rumbles.

" Morning. " He mumbled quietly, waiting for any sort of reaction from Jimin. He only gets a sleepy hum in response, Jimin just snuggles more against him.

" I want to sleep more hyung..."

" Eat something first. "

Jimin nods, rubbing his eyes as he went to sit up. " Yah! What are you doing?! " Jin scrambled to help him up, shaking his head.

" Oh, you both are awake. " Yoongi said as he entered the room, " Good timing. Lunch is ready. "

Jin nods, thanking the younger while Jimin grumbles, " It doesn't hurt! I can walk by myself! "

Jin crosses his arms, sighing softly.
" Fine...just be careful. "

Jin cautiously still follows the younger to the kitchen, making sure he's seated before excusing himself to freshen up. He has a few meetings to attend today before nightfall.

Jimin purses his lips, letting out a heavy sigh.

" What's with him? " Yoongi mumbled softly as he sat across Jimin, " he looks miserable. "

Jimin takes a small bite, " he had a nightmare again...and he probably just wanted to cry a little. "

Yoongi nods, sighing softly.

Jimin bites the inside of his cheek, looking at the older. " hyung...what did he do for three years...? "

" We didn't see him much to be honest.. right after you left, he disappeared for weeks, only coming back after Jungkookie's requests. But then, he'd cook for us as usual and leave...we had no clue where he was or what he used to do. "

Jimin nods, " I guess...that makes
sense. "

Yoongi shakes his head, " It
doesn't...because he was just trying to hide how much of a mess he was. He still is. "

" and you won't ask him about it? "

Yoongi sighs shakily, " I want to try....but I'm scared he'll avoid us again if I bring something up. "

" He says he wants to leave....that he's tired of everything.. " Jimin said in disbelief, his voice low, " It's scary because I can't tell which 'leave' he means, yet none of us are doing anything about this. "

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 || 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat