Whenever people came, Aunt Lu would give them some small gifts.

It was okay at first, and Aunt Lu didn't see anything wrong, until Aunt Lu saw that she was tired, and those relatives who had never seen each other began to ask her to help with the line, and they all wanted to send their sons and sons-in-law to the shop that Lin Xing had resigned.

Aunt Lu refused without thinking about it, and now Lin Xingci doesn't know how difficult it is to find the position of the shop, and the guys in it make more money than ordinary clerks.

I don't know how many people want to go to Qianshige on errands, Aunt Lu immediately sobered up, and said with a smirk that he couldn't help with this, and it was not easy to go to Qianshige on an errand, if they were really so good, they could go by themselves and don't need her to play the line at all.

Later, no matter what those cheap relatives said, Aunt Lu's eyelids didn't move even if her lips wore out, and finally they all went home in disdain.

Uncle Lu's situation is also similar to Aunt Lu's, but unfortunately Uncle Lu does not react as quickly as Aunt Lu and can see clearly.

Lin Xingci understood what was going on, and reluctantly spoke: "When the grain is accepted, I will teach the method directly to the village chief, and let others go to the village chief to ask." Uncle and aunt, the two of you get along at home, and the shops in the county, Zhao He and Lu Luo, both of whom are doing very well.


Lu nodded: "I know, but I've been busy for most of my life, and I feel that nothing is right when I stop here."


Lu also nodded along with him.

"It's not that I don't let you work in the fields, you can plant all the fields at home, but you don't have to plant as much as before. Lin Xing spoke.

Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu smiled and nodded.

After Lin Xingci told the village chief how to tell the village chief, the village chief was so annoyed that he didn't have a meal to eat, so it took a month to teach all the people in the village, and they all swore that they would not tell people from other villages.

Lin Xingci doesn't know these now, now what he wants is to harvest the millet and dry the millet, and then build a shed to continue to grow tomatoes, and by the way, he will plant some strawberries, he doesn't know how long he has been hungry for strawberries.

When harvesting the grain, Lin Xingci found someone, and after paying the money, he didn't care, and the workers were all honest people at a glance, and they would definitely do a very good job.

However, the action of building a greenhouse attracted most of the attention of the village. Now the people in the village treat Lin Xingci like a bodhisattva who beckons wealth, and when they saw that he had made a big move again, they came to ask curiously.

Lin Xingci looked at the piece of land he bought and the two greenhouses he had built, and then looked at the villagers who were curiously poking their heads behind him, and an idea appeared in his head, or these two sheds are all used to grow strawberries, and tomatoes will be planted by the people in the village, and then they will be harvested in their hands? If you want to eat tomatoes, you can also plant some, you don't need to plant too much.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt, Lin Xingci turned around and looked at the curious crowd behind him with a smile: "I want everyone to help me plant a vegetable, give plants and seeds for free, and grow one large fruit and two small fruits." The

villagers were so shocked by Lin Xingci's words that they forgot to speak for a while, they had never seen such an expensive vegetable, how delicious it would be for three cents! If you plant it and sell it, you may be able to sell more.

✓ After wearing it as cannon fodder in the farming textWhere stories live. Discover now