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I sat next to Khun while all the regulars patiently waited for Lero Ro to announce the final position test results. Usually I would've sat next to Bam, but today I wanted to try something different. Khun seemed comfortable enough to sit next to me, and Rak sat on the other side of Khun. 

"Ooh it's Crystal Turtle!" Rak exclaimed as he pointed to me and Bam also faced my way. 

"Good luck, Ms Malisia! Though I'm sure that you'll pass the test for sure!" He said as he gave a smile, and hearing Bam's words of encouragement brightened my mood instantly. He was such a cinnamon roll, and I hoped that he would stay like that. His presence made me forget about Estrada all over again, and it kept me at peace. 

"Thanks! Good luck to you too, Bam!" I responded optimistically, and Lero Ro entered the stage. 

"Good afternoon, regulars. This is Lero Ro. Starting now, I will announce the regulars who passed the final position test." As he said those words, the room immediately became dark, and my heart began to speed up as fast as it could. Internally, I knew that I would pass. I had to pass. This was the only way I could completely erase my relations to Estrada - by climbing the tower. At first, that was my only reason for climbing the tower. 

But now, I have found a new reason. I'm climbing the tower for my people - the friends I have made on this floor, the ones who showed and gave me newfound peace. Bam, Rak and even Khun. I've also begun to get closer to the rest of them - Shibisu, Anaak, Hatz, and maybe I could turn over a new leaf with Endorsi. Endorsi's words hurt me the first time. But as I realized the truth and reality, I realized that she was right. In the tower, no-one can avoid evil, and one day I will also become one with evil - it's in my blood. Maybe she was a better person than I thought she would be, and although she broke my trust once, I believe that she won't break it twice. It's simply based off a feeling, but I believe that it will work out. 

When the results of who passed were revealed, gasps filled the previous silence. My eyes wandered down to the bottom of the screen to the wave-controllers section. 

Bam, Phonsekal Laure... 

...and Malisia. 

When I saw my name written on the screen, I immediately sighed in relief. All that was left was for Khun to get along with his plan so that Rachel will somehow be able to climb the tower. 

Rachel. I didn't know her too well, and had only met her a couple of times. We were in the same team for the Crown Game, but I couldn't find anything special about her. She looked quite ordinary too, and I couldn't sense an ounce of power in her. At first I thought that she was 'just part of the rest of the crowd of strangers', but when I discovered that it was her that Bam was chasing after, I dropped all the things that I believed about her. When I heard that her legs were permanently damaged, I thought that Bam would stop climbing the tower for her. But Bam has decided to be her 'legs', and help her get to the top of the tower. At first, this all seemed like some romantic play, and maybe it could have been one. 

But there was something wrong with it, amidst all the love and care. Why was Rachel so willing to get away from Bam to the reach the top? To see some stars that may not even exist? It was all too strange. But since Bam seemed to trust her, I decided to put my trust into her too. 

I had my trust broken countless times, yet I didn't pause yet again to place my trust into someone who could potentially break it again. 

One male regular began a rant about why he wasn't on the list, and Hansung Yu brought him down to the stage, in which he told the regular that if he could make it out of the stage, he would pass. It was stupid for the regular to even try to argue with Hansung Yu - the ranker. Foolish. 

"stay with me" ||  Khun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now