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A/N: For the 'Hide and seek' game, I'm trying to push it into this one chapter so I can finally get into the deeper details of Malisia's backstory and development (both mentally and physically), as well as the growth of her and Khun's relationship. I hope you like it!

also i'm sorry i just had to put that meme up there

The classes went by and it was soon the day before the final joint test for the wave-controller position. To be honest, I was quite confident that I wouldn't fail. If I did, it could almost be considered as an embarrassment to the Estrada family, a family renowned for their abilities. 

I knew that I couldn't fail this test - passing this test was the only way to completely escape from the Estrada family, which also meant that I could never see my mother again too. I didn't have the courage to face my mother again after all, if I were to see her, I believed that I wouldn't be able to contain all the emotions that I felt towards her. When I was younger, I believed that she was the only suitable wife amongst my father's wives. She was kind, beautiful, merciful and innocent. She didn't like the sight of blood, and I tried to understand that although I had already been trained to kill. Often, the wives of my father despised each other's children, for they were deemed as competition for their own children. But my mother took care for Shirley, who she knew wasn't her biological daughter, but rather another wife's daughter. 

My mother was the greatest inspiration to me. 

So why did you shatter that understanding of you, mother? I'm curious about your true identity, mother. 

 Yuga called me over and I demonstrated my control of baangs, meticulously crafting two baangs while maintaining them for a long time. The teacher looked impressed, and applauded me. 

I sighed in relief, and it gave courage to pass the test. 

Only one day left. 


[To understand the rules of the 'Hide and Seek' test, please refer to Episode 36 in the Tower of God webtoon.]

"Regulars participating in this joint position test! Congratulations to all of you!" Lero Ro began to then give us an overview of what we would be tested on, which was meant to test our abilities in our given roles. 

I looked up at the board that floated above us, which displayed which teams we were placed in. 

"Team B, huh." I noticed that Bam was in the same team, as well as Endorsi and Michelle Light. Endorsi would be a fantastic member to the team. It was great that I wasn't in the same team as Khun, who knows what he would do in the test? He would do absolutely anything to complete his plans. 

Hansung Yu then began to explain the rules to the game of 'Hide and Seek', and the rules seemed simple enough. Since Endorsi was a fisherman, it was obvious that she should be the 'it', being a Princess of Jahad and with all that strength. 

"...Um, test director Yu? So, who's the seeker?" Shibisu nervously questioned, awaiting an answer. I wondered the same question too, so I was glad that Shibisu asked instead of me. 

A familiar and rowdy voice then entered the boundaries, and an almost evil laugh started to float around the space around us. 

"HAHAHAHHAHHAHA! NICE QUESTION, I KNEW MY STUDENTS WERE GOOD!!!!! I AM... THE SEEKER OF THIS TEST!!!!!!!!!!" I could tell that the voice belonged to none other than Quant, the rowdy ranker who administered the first test I ever completed when I entered the tower. 

A test with the ranker, huh. What were they thinking, sending a ranker to verse against a group of newbie regulars? This was almost as unbelievable as the fact that the 'Estrada competitions' existed. Surely, they were out of their minds to commence something as crazy as this. 

"stay with me" ||  Khun x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن