Your Name

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Now that the crown game was over, all the regulars were given a break.

But that boy Bam... there was something off about him. He was way too weak to become a regular, yet had the 'Black March'. And that light of shinsu at the end of the crown game - how could he use shinsu without making a contract with the floor administrator?

Impulsively, I made my way to Bam's room. Knock knock. The door was opened by the blue-haired boy, and there was a stern look covering his face. He stared at me suspiciously, then spoke.

"What do you want?" He asked curtly, still not opening the door completely.

"I just want to see how Bam's faring. Who knows, I could help." I hesitantly said after a sigh. Khun paused and finally allowed me to come in. 

"I'm Khun. Come in."

"Thanks." As he allowed me to enter, I held onto my medallion in worry and placed myself beside Bam. "I see that he's still unconscious."

Khun nodded while eyeing my medallion, almost as if he analyzing me - my appearance, personality and my identity. "I've been wondering for a while now, who are you?"

I gulped - we had only briefly met once before in the Crown Game, yet he was already suspicious of me. "Why, I'm just another regular that wants to climb the tower." I lied as I bit my lips, hoping that the lie would get through him. Although the fact that I was indeed a 'regular who wanted to climb the tower' was true, it still felt like I was lying. Why? I had gone into the tower through a deal my mother made with Headon, which still unsettled me. 

"I'm Khun Aguero Agnis. You are..?"


"No, I want your full name."

Should I just say that I didn't have a last name? No, that would sound too suspicious.

"Malisia... Ece." Oh my, why did I just use my mother's first name as my fake last name?

He glared into my eyes, trying to determine if that was a lie or not. 

"Okay then, so what are you going to do here now? I don't think staring at Bam will help him wake up."

I nodded. "Of course. But I do have something that can help." I hovered my palm over Bam's face, and closed my eyes. A shinsu ball was created, but not just any kind - it was a 'Healing Orb', which was a shinsu technique that I learnt from my mother. The shinsu glowed around Bam's face and after a few moments of high concentration, it went away. This technique had the ability to heal people over time. 

"Shinsu? What, don't you have to make a contract with the administrator to use it?" He questioned as he eyed me suspiciously. I stared back at him as I examined his crystal blue eyes, taking a moment to appreciate his beauty that laid beside his cunningness and sneakiness. He leaned in closer, as if he was trying to pressure me into telling the truth. I could almost 'feel' his heat, like his inner shinsu was trying to connect to me. 

"I already did." That was a lie. I didn't know how I could manipulate shinsu either, other than the fact that I was naturally gifted with it ever since I was born. It was like a natural force that came within me, yet I was not an irregular, who were people that could freely use shinsu without a contract. Then realization struck me - Bam had used shinsu without making a contract. Was Bam an irregular? It would all come together if he indeed was. Bam the irregular. My instincts urged me to trust my guts. 

I looked up to directly meet his eyes. I had unconsciously been staring at his face. I blushed at the realization, and looked away as Khun smirked. 

"What, you like my face? I'll let you look at it as long as you want if you answer my questions truthfully!" As he caught on, my heart felt like it would burst from embarrassment. I didn't mean to stare at his face. 

"stay with me" ||  Khun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now