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family line by conan gray is soo good... and it basically matches the story, so have a listen to it! 

also i just wanted to share this meme i found on pinterest 

also i just wanted to share this meme i found on pinterest 

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It was a perfectly ecstatic day with blooming tulips and smiles plastered on everyone's faces. The air was serene and peaceful, the sky was clear and the atmosphere was nothing but joy. 'What a sight for someone that belonged to such an atrocious family', I thought, sceptical if this moment could last forever and the carefree manner I lived in previously would exist for the rest of my life. If only I had cherished these gleeful moments even further. 

Estrada. That name was not my first name, but hung around my back like a tag for everyone to view and judge me based on this single word. My blood was sinful and this despicable existence suffocated me although I had no right to complain when compared to the older Estrada members who had suffered a hundred times more. 

Since father had countless wives that were lined up in an endless line to entertain him, there were also an infinite number of children that inherited his blood waiting to someday be acknowledged by him. I, however, only had one biological younger brother who grew up with me years before, as well as my older half-sister who we met coincidentally a few years back. As of now, I was currently keeping watch of the two playing beside the old lemon tree on a hill that never actually bore fruit, it was as good as dead. Their jovial expressions smeared amid their pale faces was a sight that encouraged myself to beam as well. Simultaneously, I flipped to the next page of the dusty book which sat comfortably on my lap, that I had picked up a few days ago from the family library. The two dashed over to my spot as if something major had occurred.

"Sister Sia, what are you looking at?" Ryan, my younger brother that was born three years later than me, asked innocently. Although my proper name was Malisia Estrada, the people I was close with called me different shortened names, which were supposedly called 'nick-names'. His short, curly silver-white hair was flowing to the side as a result from the gust of wind, his crystal blue eyes sparkling with curiosity. The two physical features were the common appearances of a typical Estrada member, as I had also inherited this look. Being a vulnerable and moody fourteen-year old, I brushed off his words at first then sighed heavily after.

"Nothing, just reading a book. You can keep playing with Shirley." I bluntly responded, too busy reading the climax of the book. The heroine in the book who happened to be an irregular was preparing to blow a fatal attack at the main antagonist, while spitting out some inspirational words that touched my heart. 'I don't care if you hurt me, but if you lay a finger on my friends then your sin is already done...!' I read carefully as my mind was occupied with what was about to happen next. My heart was thumping aggressively but I tried to hide my excitement from the content of the book to keep a composed attitude. After all, my training as an Estrada had greatly affected my behaviour and even the way I thought of everyday objects. I often wondered about the existence of the tower. I had always perceived the tower as some sort of place that gave one freedom and wishes, like explained in the other stories.

"stay with me" ||  Khun x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang