Q&A Christmas Special! Part 2

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(Cuphead and Elder Kettle are walking together, having done some grocery shopping when they see Bendy and Co boarding up their house)

Cuphead: "What's uh, what am I looking at here?"

Audrey: "Oh hey boys. Well, Bendy decided that-"

Bendy: "We're Santa-proofing the house, obviously! And you should be too!"

Cuphead: "Wait, isn't the point to want Santa to come?"

Bendy: "Why would I want a stranger to break into my house and raid my fridge? It's bad enough when Sammy does it!"

Cuphead: "Ok when you put that way I can see why but he gives you presents! I think that makes it fair."

Bendy: "We do not accept bribes in this house! We're better than that." (puts his hands on his hips)

Elder Kettle: "...really fumbled explaining Santa, huh?"

Audrey: "Yeah, we're still working on the whole 'everything is out to get me' mentality."

Bendy: "You'll see Mr. Man, it starts with your food, and before you know it, he's taking your pancreas!"

Elder Kettle: "...who the hell showed him Garden of BanBan?!"

Audrey: (points to Alice)

Alice: "I thought it'd be funny. And I was right." (smirks)

(Boris is on the roof, plugging up the chimney, dodging a thrown hammer from Sammy, who's drunk off ink.)

Boris: "Eurgh- BENDY! Sammy's too drunk to be up here! Can I get some sober help?"

Sammy: (wasted off his ass) "Can you get some soba hell- can I get a mufferfucking amen??" (falls off the roof) "WOOOOOOOOO"

Bendy: "No one help him. It's the only way he'll learn."

(This little debacle is cut off by Wooly running into Bendy at terminal velocity and screaming)

Wooly: "I DON'T WANNA DIE-HI!!!"

Bendy: "What in the ink machine is going on here?"

Ivan: "Amanda wants to kill Wooly but Wooly doesn't wanna die on Christmas and here we are."

Wooly: "Bendy! You're good at beating people up! Can you make Amanda not want to kill me?"

Bendy: "Hmmm well I'm kinda in the middle of something...."

Wooly: "If you do it I'll get you Heelys."

Bendy: "AUDIBLE GASP! You've got yourself a deal sheep boy!"

Elder Kettle: "Did he just say 'audible gasp'-"

(Right on cue, Demon-Amanda is getting closer, giving Bendy time to transform into Ink Bendy)

Ink Bendy: "Alright Dame, a brawl in the snow how bout it!" (lunges at her)

Ivan: "Well that's happening. So what are you guys doing?"

Boris: "Santa-proofing the house. Wanna help?"

Ivan: "Will I be paid?"

Boris: "If you consider ink filled balloons to throw at Monika payment, then yes."

Ivan: "Make it neon green ink and I'm sold."

Boris: "Where am I supposed to find neon green ink?!"

Ivan: "That's your problem buddy. I've just gotta Santa-proof your house."

To be continued...
A/N: Make sure to leave any questions or dares in the comments for our debut in February!

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