The Royal Blacksmiths

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No One P.O.V

When Akira and the group got back from Mega Monster Amusement Park, they were greeted by the sight of Wukong and DBK wearing dresses and wearing makeup on their faces. Mei lifted up her phone and took the picture

"You better delete that photo!" Wukong shouted

"Why are you guys wearing dresses?" Akira asked

"Ruby wanted to have a tea party and suggested we should dress up" Wukong said looking embarrassed

"And how did Ruby convince you, father?" Red Son asked

"...." DBK didn't say anything as he looked away

"I bet he couldn't say no to her since she's a child" Kai said and DBK flinched

"Looks like you hit the nail" Jay said as he chuckled and DBK sent a glare at the poor blue ninja

"By the way, how come you and Akira are the only ones dressed in fancy clothes?" Wukong asked and Jay looked nervous

"Jay took me out to dinner, he wanted to build some confidence when he asks someone out next time" Akira said

"Y-Yeah! Like she said!" Jay said, but the heated glare didn't go away from Red Son's gaze and Jay started to sweat nervously

"Sigh... Can we save this conversation tomorrow? I'm tired..." Akira said as she started walking to her shared room

"Yeah, I'm ready to call it a day" MK said as he let out a yawn and Ruby yawned after him

"Come on, Ruby. Time for bed" Wukong said as he picked the little monkey

"Not sleepy..." Ruby said as she rubbed her tired eyes

"We'll play more tomorrow" Wukong said as he carried her to their shared room with the guys

The next day

The whole group were in the control room, Nya had a hologram of the Fangblade

"They got the first one, but there are three more and we just need one to stop Pythor" Nya said

"They even have a map of the locations of each Fangblade. So the question remains, how are we gonna find them before they do?" Akira asked

"Before that, I still can't get over the fact that Nya is the mysterious samurai! Is anyone else blown away like I am?" Jay asked and both MK and Mei raised their hands

"We're over that. Can we move on?" Kai asked sounding agitated

"Oooohhh, someone's a little hot under the collar" Mei teased

"It appears his impatience is because he has not found his inner peace and unlocked his full potential like Jay and I have" Zane said

"Great observation, Mr. Roboto, but Cole hasn't found it either" Kai said

"I got it!" Cole shouted

"You've unlocked it?! Oh! Why am I the only one?!" Kai shouted

"Kai, I'm sure that's not what Cole meant" Akira said "Cole, what do you mean by found it?"

"Well, I figured out where I recognize the Fangblade from. I have a picture of it" Cole said as he ran out of the room

"Oh, ha, ha, is that it? Heh" Kai laughed

"Kai, you really need to chill. Take it from me" Wukong said as he laying on his cloud while eating some peach flavored chips and Ruby was sitting on his lap while holding the black cat

"All you ever do is slack off" DBK said and it struck a nerve on Wukong

"I got it!" Cole said as he run back into the room with the photo album in his hand. He put the album on the table and opened it, the first page revealed a picture of the Fangblade as a trophy

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