Once Bitten, Twice Shy

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Akira P.O.V

We were in the Control Room where Nya is doing a presentation of the skeletal remains of a Fangpyre. Kai didn't look like he was paying attention, Jay was dreamingly staring at Nya, and Cole was drawing. Pigsy was working at his shop today, Sandy was out doing some shopping, Tang decided to stay behind because he wants to learn more about the Serpentine. MK, Mei and Red Son are also here, but Monkey King, DBK and Princess Iron Fan couldn't come because Ruby begged for them to play with her. I think she was having a tea party

"Some villagers unearthed the remains of this Fangpyre a few miles away" Nya said as she removed the cloth "It predates the Golden Age, and must be hundreds of years old. Although the venom in the fangs of the Fangpyre genetically mutate human cells into reptilian, I've learned there could be a way to stop the effects without having to create an antivenom. If one is able to wildly raise their own heart rate, hypothetically it could reverse the venom's effects. Resulting in... diminished... Uh..." Nya then at me "Akira, are you wearing perfume by chance?"

"No. I don't wear perfume often. Only for special occasions. Why?" I asked

"Because I am severely allergic to perfume" Nya said and I heard Jay whispering to Kai

"You told me it was men's cologne" Jay whispered

"Eh. I get them mixed up" Kai said and I smacked his head

"You know you could've killed your sister for that" I said with a glare and Kai shivered "Apologize to Nya later or else" I creaked my knuckles to show that I was serious

"W-Will do!" Kai said

Looks like class is over. Time to start stomping some Serpentine before they find any Fangblades" Cole said

"Sounds like a plan" Kai said

"I'm excited to join" Zane said

"Don't forget about us!" MK and Mei said in unison as they followed the ninja

"I'm going back to my lab. I still have some things that I need to finish building" Red Son said

"I'm gonna review all the things I learned today" Tang said

"I'm going to my room. Hopefully the perfume toxins doesn't enter my bloodstream or I go into shock" Nya said as she immediately leaves the room

Only Jay and I were the only ones left

"Sigh" Jay let out a sigh

"You okay, Jay?" I asked

"Sort of. I shouldn't have listen to Kai when I asked him about the cologne" Jay said

"I'm sure Nya knew you didn't mean it" I said

"I really like her, but I always mess up whenever I tried to do or say something to her" Jay said

"Jay, you do know she likes you for being yourself, right?" I said


"Listen, I don't plan on lecturing you about relationship or anything, but just be yourself and everything will be fine" I said as I was about to leave the room

"Akira!" Jay called out to me and I turned to look at him "Um... C-Can I take you out to dinner? I want to build confidence so I'll be ready to ask Nya out next time, so please"

"Okay. I'll see you later tonight then" I said as I left the room and I heard Jay cheering

No One P.O.V

The sound of ground rumbling scared the lizard out of the way, and rising from the dirt are Pythor and the rest of the Serpentine. Skales pulled out the map of the locations of the Fangblades

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