Chapter 33

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I ended up sitting in Nora's car until they were ready to go home. I didn't want to see anyone, especially Grayson. I stayed home for the rest of the weekend, hiding out in my room. I've been dreading the thought of school, having to be in the same room as him three times a day.

I woke up in a cold sweat at the same time I always do. I lay in bed until my alarm clock goes off, telling me I need to get ready for school. I debate if I even want to go, my bed being extra comfy right now.

I sigh and get up. I need to go, my college applications depend on it.


I ignore the stares as I walk to my locker, word get's around fast. I breathe out a shaky breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Nora asks standing next to my locker. "I'll be fine, what's up with you and Vinnie?" I ask changing the subject.

Her cheeks start to redden, biting her lip. "I didn't want to say anything with all the crap you've been dealing with but... He asked me out last week." She says playing with the hem of her shirt.

I look at her for a minute, my brain processing what she just said. "I wanted to tell you, really. I just didn't want you to-" I cut her off by squealing. I grab her hands, jumping up and down.

She laughs while jumping with me. "I'm so happy for you! You deserve someone like him." I say hugging her. "I really like him, like more than I thought." She says breaking the hug to look at me. "I'm happy for you, about time I hear some goods news." I say closing my locker.

Something catches my eyes behind Nora, my face drops as I watch Madison and Grayson making out in the hall. "Let's get to class." I say pulling on Nora's arm. "Why?" She asks looking behind her. "Yeah, let's go." She says, turning back around with wide eyes.

"Since when did those two become a thing?" She asks as we walk to English. "I don't know, I thought Grayson hated her." I say, looking at the ground. "I bet you're a sensitive subject in their relationship." She says playing with her hair. "Don't say that, I just want to forget about it." I tell her.

"Enough about them, I saw you flirting it up with Brooks Friday." She says nudging me with her arm. "He was doing all the flirting, i'm done with boys." I tell her. I tried, it failed, I don't want to try again.

I would rather be single for the rest of my life, living on a farm with all my cat's and dog's than let another guy in.


I didn't sit next to Grayson during science, I don't want to be anywhere near him. I'm at lunch, eating spaghetti while I watch everyone cuddling or making out.

Nora and Vinnie have been making out since lunch started. They are cute, really, but I'm losing my appetite.

Madison is sitting on Grayson's lap, giggling at everything he says. I've been trying to ignore them but it's hard watching him be happy with someone else, especially that someone being Madison. I still can't wrap my head around it, he hates her, at least I thought he did.

"Hey, have you cleared a day on your schedule for our date?" Brooklyn asks across the table. I look up at him, noodles hanging from my mouth.

I put my finger up while I finish chewing. "I haven't yet." I say. How do you tell someone you don't want to go out with them without being rude?

He hums, tapping his fingers on the table. "What are you doing this Saturday?" He asks. I try to come up with a lie.

I start picking at the dead skin around my fingernails. "Uhm, w-well." I look around the table, trying to think of something, anything. I look at Nora and a lie pops up in my head.

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