Chapter 7

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I walk through the doors of Lakewood high and go to my locker. The second week of school, let's hope it's better than the last. I go to my locker and put the books I don't need away.

I hear Nora screaming a mile away. I brace myself, knowing she's going to jump all over me. She turns a few heads in the hall as she wraps her arms around me, making me jump up and down with her.

"How was dinner with your future husband?!" I am going to kill her. I unhook her arms around me. "HE IS NOT MY FUTURE ANYTHING!" I yell a little too loud.

I look around to see people giving me a weird look. Hehe...Oops? "Fine. But I want all the deets." I roll my eyes but tell her anyway.

"YOU'RE GRANDMA SAID WHAT?!" She yells, clenching her stomach laughing. "Grayson looked so embarrassed." I said laughing with her. "She wants to put me on birth control now." I am forever traumatized.

"You aren't on birth control? I agree with her, you should've been on that shit when your first period hit." She said, looking at me as if I have two heads.

"Well sorry, not everyone had sex at thirteen." She lost her virginity to a rando at some party. "Hey, I wanted to get the first time done and over with." She says flicking her hair over her shoulder. I would've wanted my first time to be special and with someone I love.

"Oh. Did you give Grayson my number?" I ask while looking in my little mirror to put on some mascara. "No I didn't, why?" She comes behind me to look at herself too.

"He called me last night." Nora's eyes bug out of her head. "And you didn't think to tell me?!" If I keep rolling my eyes, they are going to get stuck in the back of my head.

I close my locker and head towards English, Nora hot on my trail. "Wasn't worth mentioning." All he did was annoy the crap out of me anyway. "Pfft. I wonder who gave him your number?" If it wasn't Nora and grandpa then who was it?


I sat in my seat once Madison came, taking all of Nora's attention. I fold my arms looking out the window with a sour look on my face. I feel something boiling deep down in my chest.

I don't know why I feel so hurt and angry watching Nora forget about me every time Madison comes around.

Maybe because she would rather talk to a backstabbing bitch than hangout with me? I've never had this feeling swell up inside me, it's a sucky feeling.

I go onto google and type in my symptoms. Jealousy, i'm jealous... of Madison? No way. The internet must be broken. I turn off my phone and shove it back into my pocket waiting for class to start.


First period went by slowly. I was constantly on high alert waiting for Madison to do something. I tried to talk to Nora before we headed to our other class but Madison beat me to her. I felt that anger in my chest again. I tried to ignore the emotions I was feeling.

I get to second period, already done for the day. I put my head down on my desk waiting for class to start. "Waky waky bumpkin." I groan in annoyance. Please, it's too early for you.

"The hell is a bumpkin?" I turn my head sideways, still laying on my arms looking at Grayson. "You." Was all he said. He sat down next to me, getting something from his backpack.

"Me? You better not start calling me that." I tuck my head back into my arms, getting comfortable again. "Okay... Bumpkin." I internally roll my eyes and ignore him. I start to fall asleep when I feel a presence close to me.

"Why are you always tired?" He asks next to me. I prop my head in my hand and look at him. "I have a hard time sleeping." And you're not making it any easier.

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