Chapter 19

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I knew I wasn't going to like what Kristina had in mind. We are currently driving to an abandon building. In the middle of the night, may I add. Abandon buildings have always creeped me out. The once lively building now rusted and decayed.

We get to a house that is barely standing. Kristina brought some flashlights so we don't run down our phone's. "Are you sure we can do this." I ask, my voice shaky. I already have an uneasy feeling.

"Yes, don't worry, Grayson will protect you." Nora says winking at me. I roll my eyes. "You better not leave my side." I tell her, tightening my grip on her bicep. "Okay, okay, loosen up will ya. My arm's going numb."She says, pointing her flashlight at the dead grass.

We get closer to the house. The door barely hanging on its hinges, the windows shattered, graffiti on the old wood. Kristina and Ethan go inside first, disappearing into the dark. Nora and I go second, not wanting to be last. The smell of mildew and old dust bring tears to my eyes.

"Shine the light in front of us Nora not at the ground. Actually give that to me." I grab the flashlight from her. I shine the light at the decayed walls, the paint chipping away. I see mice running across the debris strewn floor. Every step we take the floor cries, barely able to hold our weight.

"Is it just me or is the temperature colder in here." Vinnie asks, huddling closer to Nora. Glad to know he's as scared as I am. "Why did we let Kristina talk us into this?" Grayson asks hot on my trail. "I'm ready to go back if you are." I say, stepping over a doll that has chunks of hair missing from her head. I look at it a little closer, one of her eyes are missing, dirt coating her dress.


"Uh uh, no one is going back until we explore the whole house." Kristina says, coming out of nowhere, scaring me.

I sigh, in defeat. We get to a case of stairs. "You're funny if you think i'm walking on that." Nora says pointing at the thin, moldy stairs. Those look like they will collapse any minute.

"I vote Grayson goes first, he's the biggest." Vinnie says pushing him. "Did you just call me fat?" He asks with his hand over his heart, offended. "No, you just weigh more than us." Vinnie says.

That didn't sound any better.

Grayson flips him off before slowly putting his weight on the first step. He slowly walks up, the creaks echoing off the naked walls.

We start following him, hoping they don't break. This is such a bad idea. "Watch your step." Grayson says grabbing my hand. There's a few broken stairs.

"We should go back, one of us could get hurt." Nora says holding onto Vinnies arm. "If it get's worse up here we can go back." Grayson says, leading us. "Where's Kristina and Ethan? They just ditched us." Noah asks annoyed.

"I don't know how they like this stuff." Vinnie says. I hear screaming behind me. I start to scream too, grabbing onto Grayson for dear life. "What!" I scream. "Spider!" Vinnie screams, pointing at the ground. "Seriously Vinnie." I say annoyed. I thought Nora was the one screaming.

We finally get to the top. The carpet is stained and has a rugged look to it. Grayson goes to open a door but it won't budge. He put's his shoulder in the middle of the door and pushes with his weight. The door breaking in half, the rusty hinges screaming at us.

Sounds like silverware scraping on a plate.

We walk in, the smell poignant to my nose. "Fuck, what's that smell?" Grayson asks, covering his nose with his hoodie. "Smells like death." I say shining the light on the wall.

There's specks of what looks like to be dried blood. "Don't say that Aven. You're scaring me." Nora says, her voice shaky.

There's a bed in the corner, the blankets ripped, the sheets stained and feces smeared across it. The room is filled with can's and rotting food left behind by the last occupant. Was someone locked in here?

Vinnie walks to a closet, opening it. Something falls on him. He starts screaming, pushing off whatever fell on him and scooting backwards. "What the fuck was that?!" He yells. Noah shines his light, a body lays lifeless, her dress stained with blood.

I hear screams all around me. We run back down the stairs, not caring if they break. I feel someone bump into me causing me to stumble. I try to catch myself but fall into the person in front of me, causing a domino effect.

We tumble and roll down the stairs until we meet the ground. I fall on top of someone, breaking my fall. I hear grunts and groans around me. "Why are you guys screaming? And why are you laying on the floor?" Kristina asks, jogging to us. She shines her light in our eyes.

I lift myself up, looking at who I landed on. I see Grayson rubbing his head underneath me. I'm laying in between his legs. "That fucking hurt." He groans. "Who the fuck pushed me!?" Vinnie asks, getting up.

"Is everyone okay?" Ethan asks, helping Nora and Noah up. "T-There's a dead body." Nora stutters. I get off of Grayson and help him up before dusting myself off. "Like actually?" Kristina asks, her eyes widening.

"Upstairs, in the room." Vinnie says, breathing hard. "Let's go check it out." Kristina grabs Ethan's hand and they start going upstairs.

We go outside and wait for them. "We need to call the police." Nora says, her face pale. I grab my phone from the car, no signal. "Fuck, we don't have any service out here." I say, my hands shaking. I sit down, putting my head in my hands.

I hear laughing in the distance. I look up to see Kristina and Ethan coming out of the house. "What's so funny? You just saw a dead person." Noah says in disbelief. "You're guy's faces!" Ethan says, pointing at us.

I look at them, dumbfounded. I get out of the car. I see the girl walking out of the house, people with cameras walking behind her. "You planned this?!" Nora yells. Tears in her eyes. "That was so fucked up." Vinnie says, his voice an octave higher.

I start laughing. "You got us so good." I say rubbing my forehead. Everyone starts to laugh as our adrenaline wears off. "So I fell down the stairs for no reason?" Nora asks crossing her arms. "We could've gotten seriously hurt!" She yells before getting in the car.

I can see why she's upset, it was fucked up. I'm just happy we didn't witness a murder.

We all head back to the car, ready to go home. What a crazy night. If you told me two months ago that I went to an abandoned house with my new friends, I would laugh straight to your face. I can't believe how far I've come in just a short amount of time.

I'm starting to like this new life.

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