Chapter 32

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Nora fixed my makeup after I was done crying. She kept asking me if I wanted to go home but I would tell her no every time. I don't want to show him he got to me. If he want's to pretend we never met then that's exactly what i'm going to do.

"I need some alcohol." I say as we make our way to the fire behind the football field. "Say no more." Nora says pulling out a bottle of vodka from her backpack. I snatch it from her hands and gulp it down. "Whoa there, calm down." She says, grabbing the bottle out of my hands. "Party pooper." I say, pouting.

We get to the fire, most of the student's here. Nora leads me to the group, Grayson catching my eye. I look away and stand behind her. "I'm gonna find Vinnie, wanna come?" She asks touching my back. I shake my head. "I'm gonna stay next to the fire, but you go i'll be fine." I say shooing her away. She playfully roll's her eyes at me before leaving.

I sigh and walk closer to the fire letting it lick my cold skin. I stick my hands out in front of me, letting them warm up. "Hey cutie, thought you left." Brooklyn says walking up to me. I look up at him. "Hey Brooks, Just went to the bathroom." I say looking back at the fire. "You look beautiful tonight." He says getting closer to me. "Thank you." I say while putting my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"I like your curly hair better tho." He says touching the ends of my hair. I look at his hand that's playing with my hair. "I like to switch it up every once in a while." I say pulling my hair out of his grasp.

"So, you're single right?" He asks turning his back to the fire. "Yeah." I say nodding. "Good, I always thought you were cute, I just thought you and Grayson had a thing so I never took my shot." He says running his hand through his hair.

I feel my face heat up at his assertiveness. "No, we just have the same friend group." I say watching the fire dance around the burning wood. "Would you want to go out sometime?" He asks. His arm brushes mine as he rotates again.

"Uhm, sure... Maybe. I'll have to ask my grandparents." I say. I internally smack my head. Why do I have to be the way I am? He chuckles at me. "You're too cute." He says. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. My eyes widen at the sudden contact, my body tensing.

I try to think of a way to get him off me without coming off as rude. "I'm gonna get a drink." I say trying to shimmy his arm off me. I walk backwards as he keeps trying to talk to me. I turn around after he tells me what he wants to drink.

I feel my nose flatten into someones chest. Tears prick my eyes at the pain. I take a step back, rubbing my nose. I look up at Grayson, his hoodie wet from the drink I just made him spill. I see makeup smeared on him, where my face was.

I puff my cheeks, trying not to laugh. "Sorry." I chuckle as I try to wipe away the makeup stain. He continues to look down at me, his lip twitching. He let's out a puff of air from his nose, trying not to laugh.

I clear my throat giving up on the stain. "I'll get you a new one." I say avoiding eye contact with him. I shouldn't even be talking to him, he's suppose to be non existent in my life. "No need, I have enough." He says before taking it off. His shirt rises a little bit, showing his v line.

"Okay." I say before walking around him. I grab a cup from the table before walking over to Nora and sit down next to her and Vinnie. "Can I have some more?" I ask while holding out my cup to her. She nods her head, pouring the vodka in my cup. She get's out cranberry juice from her bag and fills it the rest of the way.

I gulp half of it down, wanting to forget these past few days. I lean back in my chair and close my eyes, letting the frigid air nip at my skin. "I heard there's a new student, he'll be here on Monday." I hear a girl tell her friend. "Apparently he's a big deal, we are going to have an assembly about him after lunch." Her friend says.

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